Star Dreams at Cafe Roma Bar y Cine

| "Star Dreams" will be shown at the newly remodeled art theatre Cafe Roma Bar y Cine, (formerly L’Opera), 287-1 Calle Encino by the southbound bridge, at 4 pm and 7 pm on April 15th, 16th and 17th. Seating for each show is limited to 35, so show up early so you won't miss it! Tickets cost just cost 50 pesos. For more information, call: 222-7378. | Puerto Vallarta - Don't miss "Star Dreams," an award winning feature length documentary by British Columbia’s Robert Nichol, showing at the newly remodeled art theater, Cafe Roma Bar y Cine, (formerly L’Opera) April 15th-17th.
 Mysterious, enchanting, awe inspiring, and enigmatic, "Star Dreams" is a 77 minute documentary presenting the story of the greatest revelatory phenomenon of our time - Crop Circles. Since the early 1980’s, these images have appeared overnight in grain crops, fields of flowers, sand, and most recently in ice circles.
 Producer Robert Nichol, a veteran Canadian film-maker, outlines the basic understandings of top crop circle researchers, investigates the over-all assumption of hoaxing, balls of light and "sacred site connection," and presents UFO theories from “Croppies” [crop circle followers] as well as farmers who have seen designs mysteriously appear overnight on their properties.
 According to the promoter of this movie, Star Dreams "explores the diversity of the phenomenon, and shows how the circles are using sacred geometry and advanced mathematics to deliver a message to humanity." Experiments inside the formations have shown that the energy patterns of light and sound, are altered inside the circles, and the responses of people who have been there, are documented.
 Many of the farmers who own the land, certainly “down-to-earth people,” have been amazed and astounded at the intricacy of the changes to their crops. Each stalk of grain is unharmed, and bent at a 90 degree angle, while still growing, and tests on the grain have shown that the seeds from these crops yield stronger, taller crops when planted the following year.
 But what’s really compelling about the film are the spectacular shots of the circles themselves, obtained from helicopters and ultralight aircraft. A provocative and visually stunning documentary bound to win a large audience, the experience is so rich that the mind wants to re-experience what it has seen. The most common response to the movie has been, "I must see this again."
 "Star Dreams" will be shown at the newly remodeled art theatre Cafe Roma Bar y Cine, (formerly L’Opera), 287-1 Calle Encino by the southbound bridge, at 4 pm and 7 pm on April 15th, 16th and 17th. Seating for each show is limited to 35, so show up early so you won't miss it! Tickets cost just cost 50 pesos. For more information, call: 222-7378. |