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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkVallarta Living | May 2005 

All Inclusive Bender
email this pageprint this pageemail usErich Haubrich - PVNN

Once we got into the rhythm it's wasn't too bad... we ended up procuring seats by the pool bar and settling in for the long haul.
Puerto Vallarta - Last Sunday I met up with some friends in Bucerias to blow off some steam after a hard week's work. Believe it or not, some of us down here actually work for a living... I mean, the benefits are pretty good and my daily commute involves walking down the beach to the office - but work is work - no matter where you live.

We met up pretty early and while were discussing our options about how to spend the day, we all agreed on a few things: 1) We wanted to be around nice looking women, 2) We wanted to drink more than our share of Rum and Cokes, and 3) We didn't want to spend a hell of a lot of money.

Some of the options we discussed were things like a day on the beach at Destilladeros or Bucerias, going to the Marina and trying to catch a ride on someone's sailboat, or just finding a place with cheap beer and A/C that provide the appropriate atmosphere for "holding court."

My buddy Scott finally said, "Hey, lets get a day pass at a resort." Now, when I want to see a resort I usually either just sneak in or use my press pass to gain entry, but apparently Scott knew something I didn't. "You can pay about $450 pesos and sit around and eat and drink for free all day at an all-inclusive resort," he said.

I felt so enlightened by this information that I nearly called the Vatican to initiate the proceedings that would make Scott a saint. "I can get completely shit-faced and check out tourist girls all day at a resort without risking arrest and prosecution?" I asked in amazement. Scott replied "Yep," and we were out the door and in the truck in less than 3 minutes. I haven't seen a group of hung over guys move that fast at 8 a.m. since I lived next to a firehouse in Colorado Springs.

When we arrived at the resort, which I will not name because I want to go back, about a half hour later, we went to the front desk and just about died when the guy told us it was going to be $800 pesos per person for the day. I'm not sure what my friend Marco told the guy in his rapid-fire Spanish, but two minutes later we were donning wristbands after paying only $450 pesos each.

Now, I hadn't been to an all-inclusive before, but I understand the basic gist of it. They give you whatever you want to eat or drink until you pass out, go back to your room, get kicked out, or fly back home. Unfortunately the cups are small and there are precious few bar stools, so you have to do a lot of getting up and walking to the bar in order to get a good buzz on. Once we got into the rhythm it's wasn't too bad... we ended up procuring seats by the pool bar and settling in for the long haul.

The pool and all the areas around it were quite nice and as the day went on the place filled up with a fair number of tourists, many of them of the young, pretty, female variety. There were lots of activities going on that I had absolutely no interest in, but it looked like it would have been a good place for families to spend a day of fun in the sun. The staff was keeping kids and adolescents busy, while the adults relaxed and ate and drank to their hearts' content.

As day turned into night, we met up with a group of tourists from Somewhere USA and went to the on-site nightclub for a little bit of dancing, hitting on girls, etc.. As it got to be about 10 p.m. or so the drink glasses got bigger and people gathered at the various bars to chat and hang out. Scotty, Marco and I were getting pretty toasted by the time the night was about to come to a close so we exchanged email addresses with the girls, said out good byes and headed back to Bucerias.

Even though I felt like a jackass wearing a wristband, all in all it was a hell of a lot of fun. And when you consider the sheer volume of Rum, Beer, Tequila and, oh yeah, food that we consumed, it was pretty cheap. It may not be something to do every day or every weekend, but it's definitely something to do for the day if you plan on really throwing down and doing some major liver damage.

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