Entertainment | October 2005  
Puerto Vallarta Talent Search

| Those of you who have skills with carpentry, set design, sound and/or lighting, costume design, back stage hands, etc., should send an email to spotlightproductionspv@yahoo.com, or you can leave a message at 222-2786 or call 044-322-111-5567. | Puerto Vallarta - Do you want to be a star? Have you always yearned to be on stage? Do you want to make new friends? Are you bored and just looking for something to do? Do you like working long hours for no money? If so, then have we got the job for you!
 Once again Spotlight Productions is getting ready to bring fun & entertainment to Puerto Vallarta... just in time for the upcoming high season. For those of you who may not know about Spotlight, we're a non-profit organization theater group that puts on stage productions to benefit local charity groups through the help of volunteers.
 We are sad to say that our wonderful musical director, Kathleen Hennen, will not be able to participate with us this year due to health issues, so we are seeking a new director(s) for the 2005/2006 season. If you know someone who might be interested please pass this information on to them.
 We are also looking for the local talent to start to come out of the woodwork. Auditions will take place on Sunday the 16th of October at 12 noon at Encore Boutique located at 584 Lazaro Cardenas - due east of Farmacia Guadalajara.
 Those of you who have skills with carpentry, set design, sound and/or lighting, costume design, back stage hands, etc., should send an email to spotlightproductionspv@yahoo.com. Be sure to include your contact information, the dates that you're available & which job[s] you are interested in performing. If you prefer to call, you can leave a message at 222-2786 or call 044-322-111-5567. | 
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