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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkVallarta Living | October 2005 

They're Baaaaack...
email this pageprint this pageemail usErich Haubrich - PVNN

Like the motor on a Harley Davidson sputtering up to a roar, the tourism season is roaring to life. For the last week or so the musicians, vendors, street kids with chiclets and all of the other elements of our fair town are once again out competing for the tourists' dollars. It's almost like springtime each year as the month of October brings more cruise ships, flights and buses carrying our lifeblood back into the circular system of town. It's even almost kind of nice to be cornered by OPC's again.

The summer months (rainy season) were rather desolate this year, so it's a welcome change to see that finally the somber mood of summer has given way to smiles all around. When you live and work here, seasons really make a difference. During the rainy season it can be rough on the wallet if your business centers around tourism, my saying for it is "When it rains, you're poor." I think I actually saw beach vendors during September trying to sell their wares to each other.

"Do you wanna buy a necklace?"
"No? Do you wanna buy a blanket?"

People I have spoken with that live here year round are expecting big things from this season, however. Mexico has become even more popular in recent years as a tourism destination for Americans and Europeans. The numbers look good, and Puerto Vallarta could eventually overtake Cancun as the numero uno for vacationers.

One of the indicators of the season starting is also the nightlife. The bars are starting to hop, with more live music, more happy party-ers, and still the same old cheap prices that make it easy on the wallet to have a good time. I especially like the fact that there are a lot more women in town, even if they do leave on the next flight.

Mexico in general and certainly places like Puerto Vallarta are free of the threat of terrorism, relatively inexpensive, and feature more colorful cultural character and historic beauty than some of the more commercial destinations like Disney World can ever hope for. This is a great place to enjoy a relaxed pace, see beautiful scenery, experience wildlife and nightlife, shop 'til you drop, or just put your toes in the sand and read a good book while the waiter brings you margaritas.

So come join us this year. You'll love what we have to offer as a destination, or as a home. Puerto Vallarta has come alive again, and we're expecting great things.

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