Entertainment | December 2005  
Two Extra Disciples
 Lionel Correa is a first time screenwriter and author. He received his B. A. degree in Literature from a California University, in 1997. His initial career goal was to stay in school teaching. However, he committed a life insurance fraud that took him to a U.S. federal prison for 3 years. His life took a different direction after that. He is now focused on full-time writing.
 He just wrote his first 2 hour movie script about a fiction story based on the true story of Jesus Christ. The title of such story is TWO EXTRA DISCIPLES: A Time Space Cross Over.
 His script is about two young ladies, daughters of the rich and famous, who get transported to the times of Jesus Christ in a time machine and who witness his miracles and learn from his teachings. They bring back with them the Holy Grail, to save the life of an innocent man, who is about to receive the death penalty, because he is accused of kidnapping and murdering the two girls.
 Lionel's website www.lionelcorrea.com has a complete synopsis and a 30 page excerpt of his movie script. Lionel was born Roman Catholic and he wrote this story in an effort to share the word of God, in an interesting way that would not bore the movie goers. It is based on the Gospels, with a touch up of fiction suspense to get the audience's interest, throughout the movie.
 His story doesn't conflict with Mel Gibson's blockbuster, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, because it's lacking the part of the crucifixion. According to Lionel, both movies go hand in hand, as if one picks up from where the other one left off.
 Lionel has been residing in Mexico since April, 2005 and plans to travel to Veracruz, Mexico, in January, 2006, where Mel Gibson is filming his next film "Apocalypto." He plans to propose his screenplay TWO EXTRA DISCIPLES to Mr. Gibson in an effort to get it filmed.
 According to Lionel, his movie has the potential to have the same success, as the PASSION OF THE CHRIST did, because it has a very powerful message since it follows the Gospels and at the same time, the fiction part of it, unfolds at a fast pace with lots of suspense.
 Another work that Lionel expects to have success, is in his first book, which retells how for the love of money, he made a wrong decision that has completely destroyed his teaching career and marriage. The following short synopsis summarizes his book titled, THE EMPTY TOMB: My wife's faked death: A True Story.
 Lionel Correa, a School Teacher, fakes the death of his wife, to collect 3 U.S. life insurance policies that total $676,000. He travels to a remote town in Mexico and bribes the town's mayor to conspire with him. He creates a fake grave and takes pictures of his wife lying in an open casket. Before getting arrested, Lionel cashes two life insurance checks and runs south of the border with thousands of dollars. He is sent to prison and Maria escapes his fate. She then turns around and leaves him for another man.
 Lionel's webpage also has an excerpt and a complete synopsis of his 329 page book, THE EMPTY TOMB. His book will be available for sale by February, 2005 through the internet book catalog of amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com. | 
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