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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkVallarta Living | December 2005 

Vivendo en Mexico (Living in Mexico) 13
email this pageprint this pageemail usKorah Winn - PVNN

The Navidad (Christmas) season is in full swing down here in México. Family and friends are warning me that I am leaving paradise to come home to snow and cold for Christmas. I have a promise that there will be a coat waiting for me at the airport because I have nothing of the sort with me right now. I do not mind at all though because it is Christmas time and even though we have luces (lights) up here in Mexico and Santa decorations, I find I really long to see white ground and drink hot chocolate.

With all that said though, the first doce (twelve) days of days of December are amazing here. There is a parade downtown every night of the week. The busses get shut down around four in the afternoon and from that point on you are free to wander the main streets without the fear of a car or bus greeting your torso. The change in the city is almost magical.

The weather is very warm during the day and it cools off just enough during the night so that a light jacket is perfect. The women traditionally dress up in white vestidos (dresses) and they wear colored shawls. The streets are filled with people enjoying the festivities. There are little tables set up in many locations selling fantastic, authentic Mexican food. The variedad (variety) of treats to pick from even blows away the selection you would find at a county fair back home in the states.

I was invited by a language partner friend of mine to come one night. His family owns a little papelería (stationary store) and they were going to be in the parade. Most of the businesses in the town are in at least one of the parades during the week. Employees and their friends and family all join together in walking down the streets. Many of the groups sing a song of praise to the Virgin of Guadalupe on their way to the church to be blessed. Sometimes Mariachi bands follow the crowd and perform the music live.

I saw one truck that had a nine-year-old girl standing up strapped into a platform in the back of the truck bed. She was completely dressed like the Virgin of Guadalupe. She did a terrific job staying in an estatua (statue) position for several blocks while a group followed behind her singing the aforementioned song.

In some ways, the melody of the song is similar to "It's a Small World After All." It is catchy and you keep humming it for days afterward. I have a friend who lives right downtown though and he said that after hearing it five nights in a row for hours on end, it has lost its' magic for him. I ended getting to the parade late because I forgot the busses stopped early.

I was not able to meet up with my friend so I stood by myself looking at all these happy people with family or friends with them. I had the old revelation hit me again that it is wonderful to have fantastic experiences all over the mundo (world) but they are that much sweeter when you have the people you love around to share them with you.

I do not know if you are going to have family or friends with you this season but I pray that as we head closer to December 25th that you are blessed with peace this holiday and that it is a beautiful and joyful time for you. ¡Salud!

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