Entertainment | February 2006  
"Cowboy Del Amor" Dynamic, Complicated and Downright Hilarious
Courtney Lowery - NewWest.net

| Cowboy Del Amor is one of the New West Picks from the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. | Cowboy Del Amor is more than just an amusing tale of an old cowboy who makes a living setting up American men with Mexican wives. It's a glimpse into the divide between two cultures and how each treat gender, love and marriage.
 Filmmaker Michêle Ohayon follows Ivan Thompson, better known as "Cowboy Cupid" through several of his matches, showcasing a character so dynamic you can't help but to hate him, love him, laugh at him and sympathize with him all at once.
 Thompson's philosophies on marriage, love, women and American culture, in all of their failings and truths, are laid out on full display in the film without judgment and without dressings.
 Ohayon artfully attains a hilarious narrative with honest underpinnings of a bigger theme.
 When one of Thompson's clients first takes his soon-to-be Mexican wife back to his home in Texas, you have to wonder about this "love without borders" stuff. Ohayon juxtaposes scenes of the woman preparing to leave Mexico - homes filled with affection and love and extended family - with scenes of her meeting her new family in a very beige suburban house as the men gather around at TV after a turkey dinner to watch football.
 She looks scared and lonely, trying to make small talk in a foreign language with her new very vanilla mother and father in law. This is one of the moments you hate Ivan Thompson.
 But then you see the two together and they're blissful. You see two people get a second chance at love and marriage and you stop hating Ivan Thompson.
 The building suspense and beautifully done intimate and honest moments make this film what it is - a dynamic, complicated and highly entertaining glimpse of love on both sides of the border. | 
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