Entertainment | April 2006  
Rain Delays Gibson's 'Apocalypto'

| Mel Gibson's Apocalypto was supposed to be a summer blockbuster. Now, because of rain in Mexico, it will have to be a Christmas season blockbuster. (David Hernandez/AP) | Movie fans will have to wait a bit longer to see Mel Gibson's Mayan epic Apocalypto.
 A spokesman for Disney, which is releasing Apocalypto, said Sunday the production had fallen behind because of heavy rains in Mexico, where Gibson is shooting the film.
 The action adventure has been bumped from Aug. 4 release to Dec. 8.
 Like Gibson's religious blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, which was shot in Aramaic and Latin, Apocalypto is being done in an ancient tongue, Yucatec Maya.
 Apocalypto follows the journey of a Mayan hero on the run through the rain forests of pre-Columbian Mexico. | 
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