Dolphin Day Camp in Puerto Vallarta
Macy Jozsef - PVNN
 Since 1988, Living from the Heart, a non-profit organization based in Colorado, has been providing recreational, motivational and educational dolphin assisted therapy programs to people with Autism, Down's Syndrome, learning disabilities and other challenges.
 Recently, Macy started working with Vallarta Adventures to offer children and adults with special needs the opportunity to experience dolphin therapy at the Dolphin Adventure Center in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. The program has been a huge success, and after having had the opportunity to work with many wonderful families here in Puerto Vallarta, she would like to share some of her "patients" amazing experiences with our readers...
 Last week we worked with Gabriella, Alejandro and their autisitic son Gabriel, as well as Vanessa and her daughter Iris who is also autistic (and her other beautiful daughter Sunshine or Chunchine.)
 Iris and Gabriel were very excited for their first day of Dolphin Day Camp! Iris could barely wait to get in the water. When she met Nouba the dolphin for the first time, she smiled. She immediately was comfortable with Nouba, and loved to throw her fish, and catching a ride with her through the water.
 Gabriel was a little intimidated by Nouba, but each day would become more and more comfortable. By the end of the week he was smiling and even gave Nouba kisses! Gabriel’s face would immediately change whenever he received the sonar therapy from the dolphins. If he did not look happy, he would immediately relax and was able to smile. He enjoyed touching Nouba’s smooth skin, and watching Nouba leap high out of the water. Gabriel was calmer and more focused after the therapies.
 Vanessa reported to us that Iris had showed immediate results from the therapy. Iris has a limited vocabulary, and would not say more than a few words at one time. After the therapy encounters Iris was constantly saying words Vanessa had never heard her daughter say before.
 One evening before bed Iris sang, “a dream is a wish your heart makes!” She also showed more eye contact and smiled more. By the end of the week she even gave Briana from Living from the Heart, a big hug - without being asked.
 The week before we worked with Irma her mother Theresa, her husband Kyle, their son Nicolas who is autistic and Sebastian, their ten-month-old, who is as beautiful as his brother.
 The week of May 8-13th, Alma joined us at Dolphin Adventure in Puerto Vallarta with many other members of her family and her son Sergio, who is autistic and has ADHD. Alma’s brother, Pepe, was able to share the in-water time with Alma, while little Alex, Sergio’s younger brother, waited patiently with their grandmother Licha.
 Sergio and Nicholas transformed before our eyes while their dolphin friend worked her magic. Nicholas’s eye contact increased dramatically after his first encounter with Nouba. Sergio showed signs of being calmer.
 This week, we have Angelese who is autistic, with her wonderful family, and her teacher with us at Dolphin Day Camp. They were here 2 months ago, and have decided to return to Puerto Vallarta quickly because the changes were so drastic in Angelese.
 Her mother Joanna and father Francisco have alternated their time in the water with their lovely daughter. This is her second week of Dolphin Day Camp, and the most profound aspect of change that we have experienced is a vast increase in eye contact and general calmness. Angelese is a different camper than she was her first week at Dolphin Adventure's Dolphin Day Camp.
 Ian is a 23 year old, incredibly enthusiastic and delightful young man who lives with Downs Syndrome. He is here in Puerto Vallarta with his mother Cathy, father Nick, cousin, aunt and uncle. His mom, Cathy, told us that Ian is normally very quiet, reserved, and did not make much eye contact.
 Since his time with the dolphins, he has shown many positive changes including, increased eye contact, attention span, focus, and improved sleep. Ian was beyond ecstatic to get in the water with Amizcle, another one of our healing dolphins. His mother shared with us that he has shown signs of being a "social butterfly," making more eye contact and socializing, including spending a wild and crazy night at Senior Frogs. He has even picked up some Spanish (slang too!) Andy the dolphin trainer has become a positive influence in Ian’s life as well. The two of them often share a loving high five.

Living from The Heart looks forward to enriching experiences with your family! For more information about The Dolphin Day Camp program at Dolphin Adventures in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, click HERE to visit the website, or contact Living From The Heart at,, or If you need assistance in Spanish, please call Veronica Ardila in the US at: (214) 674-6726. |