Pasitos de Luz Benefit
Jim Boland - PVNN

| The value of Pasitos to the families involved is huge, as many are single parent families or marginal families in which both parent must work if they are to make ends meet. | Pasitos de Luz is having a benefit at Sea Life Park on July 16, and we are hoping to make it a "double benefit". First let me tell you a bit about Pasitos de Luz. Basically a day care center for children who are disabled, Pasitos now has over 73 active "clients", many of whom require the most basic and complete care ... in many cases unable to even feed themselves.
 The value of Pasitos to the families involved is huge, as many are single parent families or marginal families in which both parent must work if they are to make ends meet. Many of you have seen the miracle that is Pasitos, but for those who havent, let me introduce Carlos and Mimi, brother and sister with a single father.
 First Carlos was born with a muscular deficiency that prevented him from walking, and then a year and a half later, Mimi came along, perfectly normal and beautiful, but without eyes! They are completely devoted to one another and to watch Carlos be Mimi's eyes and Mimi be Carlos' legs is incredibly moving, as is the dedication of their young dad, who takes them about on his bicycle.
 Pasitos has been granted some land by the city, to construct a desperately needed replacement facility (those 73 kids, 10 staff and regular volunteers crowd the space equivalent to a two bedroom condo!)
 The city has one condition for the land grant ... that Pasitos de Luz begins construction by an autumn deadline, so we have been on watch for benefit possibilities to buy those first bricks and bags of cement.
 Sea Life Park has generously volunteered their facility for Sunday the 16th of July - all of the delightful slides and swimming areas, the shows, and lunch too! They are donating all of the profit for the day, 40% of ticket sales. So that is the first benefit.
 The second? We would like to take the kids from the children's refuge (Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza) to enjoy this great outing and hope we can count on our friends to sponsor one or more children, at $15 US per child, as well as the madres and other workers, at $19 per ticket.
 Thus, our kids will have a much appreciated day of sun and fun, and Pasitos' construction project will garner the first and critical funds to get started.
 If you are moved to help out, you can send checks to Dr. Jim Boland at 1466 Hopkins St, Berkeley, CA 94702, or if you are in Vallarta, call Jim at 222-2866, or Sarah at 293-5927 and we will arrange to pick up your donation (or sell you tickets!) If you have any questions, send an email to or
 If you wish to know more about the two places you are supporting, please visit our websites:, or Mil gracias....thank you, thank you, thank you! |