Vallarta Living | September 2006  
Buy a Bracelet - Help a Child
Peter Gray - PVNN

| If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or volunteering to sell bracelets in your business or neighborhood, please contact Buri Gray at 221-5285; Polly Vicars at 223-1371; Carlos and Mariel Fregoso at 221-0789 or Katy Huet and Luis Espinosa at 224-6777. To learn more about these charities, please visit puerto-vallarta.com/amf and agapepv.com. | Puerto Vallarta - Aiming to break away from the crowd of small charity events which have become somewhat overwhelming for us all in recent years, Becas Vallarta and Agape are mounting one of the most ambitious charity drives that Puerto Vallarta has ever seen.
 Believing that one successful major event shared by two charities will lessen the need for frequently repeated appeals, the two charities joined forces and committed to sell one hundred thousand bracelets between now and the end of December.
 City Hall has granted permission for Cruz Altruista to place sales booths at strategic points around the city. Local business sponsors have already started coming forward to adopt these booths or to commit to sell the bracelets on their premises.
 In fact, BanderasNews recently received an email from William Michael Dryson of Timothy Fuller & Associates, who is not only supporting the Cruzada Altruista by selling the crusade bracelets, but is also offering to deliver them to the door of anyone who sends an email to WilliamMichael@TimothyFuller.com.
 Special efforts are being made to cover the cost of operating booths in key locations where tourists arrive or congregate, such as the airport, the cruise docks, the major shopping centers and the Malecon.
 Other locations are still available for sponsorship, and those who wish to participate in a more passive fashion can provide support by helping with the cost of operating the existing booths.
 The goal is to sell all of these bracelets by December so that all of the profits can support the vital work these charities have planned for the coming year. And while the modest sum of $20 pesos per bracelet may not seem like much, the overall tally when all these bracelets are sold will come close to $200,000 USD.
 Becas Vallarta has been raising funds to ensure that bright but economically challenged students in Puerto Vallarta have the resources necessary to complete their 8th grade through university education since 1961. Currently they are supporting over three hundred boys and girls in school or university.
 Agape is a relatively new charitable organization that provides support to orphaned, indigent, mistreated and abused children in Puerto Vallarta. Right now they are concentrating on supporting the educational, spiritual, emotional, nutritional and health needs of young girls, but as funding permits they plan to broaden their scope to cover the needs of all neglected women and children.
 These two charities provide health, shelter and education to so many deserving young Vallartenses who only need a helping hand to become the successful citizens of tomorrow - and your contribution of less than $2 USD is a small price to pay for knowing that you helped make a difference in young people's lives.
 If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or volunteering to sell bracelets in your business or neighborhood, please contact Buri Gray at 221-5285; Polly Vicars at 223-1371; Carlos and Mariel Fregoso at 221-0789 or Katy Huet and Luis Espinosa at 224-6777. To learn more about these charities, please visit puerto-vallarta.com/amf and agapepv.com. | 
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