Entertainment | Restaurants & Dining | October 2006  
A Letter of Gratitude
Richard Stewart
 When I was visiting Puerto Vallarta from Sept 16th-21st, I stayed at La Palapa Condos and dined at La Palapa Restaurant everyday. Sometimes more than once a day. Something happened that I am still finding hard to believe.
 One morning I had my a Mimosa, coffee and, a sweet roll. When I paid the bill using my credit card I accidentally left a tip of $600 Pesos (Approx. $60 USD) when I meant to leave $60 Pesos($6 USD.) Being a gringo, I always have a hard time figuring out the correct conversion rate although it is fairly easy.
 Anyway, after leaving I was walking up the Malecon toward the pier when I heard someone calling out to me. When I turned around I saw that my server had followed me up the beach from the restaurant. He informed me that I had left the tip that I did and was I sure that I meant to leave him that much?
 When I realized my silly error we returned to the restaurant, voided the previous charge and re-ran my card. I then left him $200 Pesos as a tip in gratitude of his honesty. I would not have realized my error until I returned home and got my bank statement and would have probably been none the wiser.
 I definitely would not have tried to contest the charge and just written it off to my own carelessness. None the less I was so impressed by the honesty that this fine server showed that I feel you should be made aware of this.
 I myself am a server in one of the leading restaurants in Northern California and would have done just as your server did, but know that so many other less honest people would not. I have told this story to my co-workers and they also are as shocked as I that someone would be so honest.
 Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the server. Bravo to La Palapa Restaurant on not only providing me with consistently wonderful food, drink, and service during this past visit to PV (my 5th time in 3 years) but also on the honesty and integrity demonstrated by your fine staff.
 I will definitely recommend your place to all who visit PV and will look forward with great anticipation to my next visit. Excellent job!
 Sincerely, Richard Stewart | 
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