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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkTravel & Outdoors | October 2006 

Driving in Mexico Just Got Safer
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Road Logs of México - A Comprehensive Road Log detailing what to expect along your route when visiting different areas of Mexico. Far more than a simple map, these road logs detail intersections, driving directions, points of interest, and more. These road logs are a must for those who are driving throughout the Baja, Pacific, Gulf Coast, and Yucatan Mexico. Click HERE for more info.
Driving in Mexico just got a little safer with the release of México Road Logs - a comprehensive compilation of road logs of the Mexican Highway system researched and created by Bill and Dot Bell in conjunction with Mexpro, the leading provider of Auto Insurance for USA and Canadian vehicles entering Mexico.

The Mexico Road Logs give details of what to expect along major travel routes when visiting different areas of Mexico. "Far more than a simple map, these road logs detail intersections, driving directions, points of interest, and provide important information on driving hazards that even current GPS systems do not track" said Dot Bell. "The Road Logs are a must for those who are driving throughout the Baja, Pacific, Gulf Coast, and the Interior of Mexico."

According to Mexpro President Jim Labelle, the Road Logs will make car and RV travel in Mexico less intimidating. "For years, our clients have asked us for updated road logs of Mexico," Labelle said.

"The Mexico Road Logs provide our customers with additional peace of mind and will allow them to have a more enjoyable Mexico travel experience. They may even prevent U-turns and collisions! By using the Mexico Road Logs, our clients will experience less stress and have a more relaxed driving experience, which should also help Mexpro with reduced claims that in the past have resulted from customers getting lost or losing their composure," Labelle said.

The Mexico Road Logs are updated, simple to read, easy to use, and offer the perfect solution to people who want to drive and enjoy Mexico.

The Bell's originally designed the Mexico Road Log for a Caravan they were leading down Mexico's West Coast. "We wanted to list every individual gas station and identifier so folks wouldn't get lost. We wanted to warn them of every turn and hazard along the way," says Bell. "They were such a hit and even the people who have driven Mexican Roads for years were asking for them. They wanted to be reminded where the next gas station was, if it sold diesel or where the next Military checkpoint was likely to be."

The Bell's are experts in Mexico Travel and have led conferences, seminars and special classes about driving and travel in Mexico throughout Canada and the USA. They have the most comprehensive travel website on Mexico Driving, RVing and Camping and are now working with Mexpro to distribute Mexico Road Logs in an easy-to-use interactive download, which are available at or

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