Vallarta Living | Art Talk | November 2006  
"Latin Lovers" - Mystery, Magic, Power!
Wendy Brown - PVNN
 With the candid voyeurism of the camera capturing the sensuality of the human form, we can indulge our fascination with the male nude in all its power and beauty. On canvas, the male figure erupts as fluid and forceful as any wild creature.
 This is an exhibition of provocative paintings and photographs created by Latino artists who are not afraid to show us what Latin Lovers are all about, the mystery, magic, and power of the male body.
 For the first time, Sol y Luna proudly presents paintings by Amador Toscano. His males radiate from the canvas in tones of the dark-skinned mysterious hombre unafraid to combine sensitivity with his strength. Toscano uses mythology as the context in which his heroes and saints are disrobed from any role but the masculine.
 The six foot torso of Christ displaying the sword wounds in his side after his flagellation is a stunning testimonial to "the Word made flesh" by Ulises Gonzalez, originally from Cuba.
 Jose Luis Bueno is becoming Mexico's foremost photographer of the male nude. His images captivate us with their frank testament to the magic of the male form. From the graceful turn of a foot, the dense muscularity of a torso to the rippling curves of a back, the males in his photos exude an unself-conscious awareness of the self as flesh and blood, vibrating with life.
 Victor Hugo Vera designs human landscapes and mandalas with his technique of digitalized photography. He demonstrates the agility and vitality of the masculine physique lost in self-reflection and held up to the appraisal of our own passion.
 Xavier Gonzz's males radiate heat and light in an opalescent sheen that enhances every muscle, every curve and cleft of a male body to entice the viewer's rapt attention.
 Sol y Luna ~ Arte sin Fronteras will be showing a collaborative photo shoot by Victor and Xavier taken in Los Cabos, one of the most impressive landscapes in Mexico. These photographs relate the story of a young man's untamed beauty reflected by a mature man's inner depths against the poignancy of merging into the sea and sky. These color photos are a spectacular reminder that the human body is made from the earth.
 These artists take our breath away in surprise and pleasure, then seduce us to a prolonged gaze. We secretly long for this, the ability to gaze at others, to appreciate, to savor without inhibition for as long as we want.
 If you enjoy the artistic aesthetic of the male nude, Latin Lovers is the Art show you have been waiting for. The Grand Opening will be at the gallery with a cocktail reception on Friday November 17th from 6 to 10 pm and showing until November 30th.
 Lazaro Cardenas 230, Zona Romantica between L. Vallarta and Pino Suarez.
 For more information, call 222-1302, send an email to solylunapv@yahoo.com or visit www.solylunapv.com.

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