PV Writers Group Weekend Workshop, February 2-4, 2007
David Lyons - PVNN

| Meet Puerto Vallarta's own Karen Blomain, and other keynote speakers at the PV Writers Group's second annual Weekend Workshop from February 2-4, 2007. For more information visit www.pvwritersgroup.com. | The Puerto Vallarta Writers Group will host its second annual Writers Weekend Workshop from Friday to Sunday, February 2-4, 2007 at the International Friendship Club, downtown.
 This year's expanded forum includes three notable presenters, as well as a wine and cheese reception Friday night, and dinner Saturday night. The weekend will close with an Author Book Signing Sunday afternoon, February 4, at The Lazy Lizard restaurant on Los Muertos beach.
 Registration, which includes the wine and cheese reception and dinner, is $600 pesos until December 31, and $700 pesos thereafter. Complete information can be found on the group's website, www.pvwritersgroup.com.
 No matter where your writing interests may lie; whether your focus is poetry, fiction or non-fiction, stage plays or screenplays, or if you feel you need guidance on how to tackle your own unique writing challenges, there is something in this program for you.
 Heading the impressive list of keynote speakers is Puerto Vallarta's own Karen Blomain, international writing conference presenter and author of the novel, 'A Trick of Light.' Karen, a native of Pennsylvania, has received two PEN USA Syndicated Fiction Prizes, and numerous fellowships and residencies. She has published four volumes of poetry and has edited an anthology of regional poetry.
 Karen received an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University, and has conducted writing workshops in France, Ireland, Austria, Russia and throughout the United States. She and her husband, writer and photographer Michael Downend, have written a play whose equity production opens in Pennsylvania, Spring of 2007.
 Also on the program are the co-founders of two of the most established writers groups in Mexico; Ajijic, on Lake Chapala outside Guadalajara, and San Miguel de Allende.
 Alejandro Grattan-Dominguez of Ajijic is the editor of El Ojo Del Lago, one of Mexico's most successful English language periodicals.
 Living and working in Hollywood for twenty-five years before moving to Ajijic, Alex has written stage and screenplays, has seven novels to his credit, and has written, produced and directed several feature length films.
 Susan Page of San Miguel de Allende has written four books on relationships, as well as a publishing guide for writers called 'The Shortest Guide Between You And A Published Book.'
 Susan's books have been translated into twenty foreign languages, and have sold over a million copies in the U.S. and worldwide. She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, CNN, NPR, and others. Excerpts of her work have appeared in People Magazine, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Redbook and scores of other publications.
 Attendance is limited, so don't wait. This event will be a sell-out. Writers, mark your calendars and register without delay! |