Travel & Outdoors | January 2007  
Oaxaca 2007 Rural Tourism Fair
 The world's largest small event, the 2007 Rural Tourism Fair will take place in Oaxaca City, Mexico on Saturday, January 27th. The annual event provides dialogue and information-sharing among travelers and locals in Oaxaca City, Mexico.
 Visitors have direct access to local tour operators, community representatives and artisans, giving them the chance to participate in roundtable discussions conducted in a mix of English and Spanish.
 A small festival among friends, the 2007 Rural Tourism Fair is the seventh annual tourism fair created by Planeta.com and friends in Oaxaca City. The event takes place Saturday, January 27 at Instituto Amigos del Sol, located at Libres #109.
 The fair highlights rural tourism and brings together inspired travelers, local travel providers, community leaders, media, government officials, academics and tourism students for a few magical hours. The event showcases a variety of options travelers have exploring the rural countryside.
 Exhibitors are on hand to share information about specific tours and community visits. The fair also features roundtable discussions. The agenda will be announced the day of the event.
 • Coffee Tourism - Visits to fincas and rural hikes • Crafts and Tourism - Walk with the weavers • Forest Ecotourism - Tourism as a non-timber product • Mushroom Tourism - Review of the Wild Mushroom Fair • Mezcal Tourism - Visits to mezcal factories • Volunteer Tourism - What should locals and visitors expect? Fería de Turismo Rural
 Un pequeño festival entre amigos, la Fería de Turismo Rural 2007 sera el septimo evento anual co-creado por Planeta.com en la Ciudad de Oaxaca. El evento sera Sabado, el 27 de Enero en el Instituto Amigos del Sol, ubicado en Libres #109.
 La feria muestra turismo rural y reune a provedores de servicios turísticos locales, líderes de las comunidades, medios de comunicación, dependencias de gobierno, viajeros inspirados por unas horas mágicas, y mostraba las alternativas y responsibilidades que existen para explorar el paisaje rural. | 
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