Lovin' From The Oven
Laura Gelezunas - PVNN

| Puerto Vallarta resident Sherrill Madden is combining her culinary skills with her love for animals to create Puppydoodles. For more information or a special order, contact Sherrill at ms_sherrill@yahoo.com. | Imagine the aroma of fresh baked honey and cinnamon cookies. The reality is these treats are for the dogs. Called Puppydoodles, these crunchy goodies are made by Puerto Vallarta resident, Sherrill Madden.
 "I enjoy baking and trying new recipes," says Madden, "so I took my love for animals and combined it with my culinary skills." And the result is simply delicious. She bakes these fresh every week, using only natural ingredients and no chemicals or preservatives.
 Yummy samples have been taste-tested in a few vet offices over the past couple of months, the pups ate them up and drooled for more, according to office workers.
 Puppydoodles gourmet dog treats can be found at the following vet offices: Sabuesos, Colombia 1198, Centro; Wolf's Milan 301-A, Versailles; and at Centro de Acopio, Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter, Costa de Oro 703, Linda Vista Oc้ano, 293-3690.
 Not only do you get tasty treats for your best friend, Sherrill is donating a percentage of the profits to the Centro de Acopio.
 Sherrill is working on two new flavors, peanut butter and No Flea-ums, a cookie made with brewer's yeast, purported to repel fleas. Look for these some time in February. Samples will also be available at III Gran Perroton February 24 and 25, 2007.
 For more information or a special order, contact Sherrill at ms_sherrill@yahoo.com. |