Vallarta Living | January 2007  
R.I.S.E. for Hope Annual Fundraiser
Sue Fornoff - PVNN

| R.I.S.E. is a non-profit shelter for babies and children under the age of 14 who have been turned over to R.I.S.E. by DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia,) a Mexican government institution that is the legal representative for minors under the age of 14. | The annual R.I.S.E. for Hope Fundraiser to benefit the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza children's shelter in Puerto Vallarta, is fast approaching - so mark your calendars now for Saturday, February 10th.
 This year's party will feature a new location - the spacious, beautiful campus of the American School in Marina Vallarta - and some of Puerto Vallarta's finest restaurants will be serving their tasty food.
 Party goers will be served spirits and soft drinks. Live music and entertainment will be featured throughout the evening, including the Xiutla Folklorian dancers, auctions, door prizes and more.
 The ticket price of $450 pesos each (adults only, please) includes all food, beverages and entertainment.
 Tickets will be available at the following locations: Que Pasa - 625 Aquiles Serdan, Peyote People - Juarez #222, phone 223-2601, The International Friendship Club - 222-5466, and Gringo's Books and Coffee - Morelos #7, Bucerias, phone (329) 298-1757. R.I.S.E. for Hope Sue Fornoff - PVNN
 R.I.S.E. is a non-profit shelter for babies and children under the age of 14 who have been turned over to R.I.S.E. by DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia,) a Mexican government institution that is the legal representative for minors under the age of 14.
 The Children's Shelter of Hope opened its doors in March of 2001 because there was a tremendous need for another facility in Puerto Vallarta. Some of these children are orphans but most come from unbearable situations having been abused, neglected, or simply abandoned. Some were transferred from the only other facility because of overcrowding.
 Sadly, quite a few of the children have been in institutions most of their young lives. DIF's main objective is to reunite these children with their families, but in many cases this is not always possible and R.I.S.E. becomes their permanent home.
 The Refugio offers these children a safe place to live when they have no other choice in life. Several nuns (Madres) from the Order of Carmelites of Jesus of Nazareth live at the shelter and look after the children on a full time basis.
 Visitors are always welcome at R.I.S.E., Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza A.C., R. Flores Magon #251, Colonia Benito Juarez, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Board members and volunteers of the Refugio often lead visitors on tours of the facility.
 Frequently, visitors choose to make donations to R.I.S.E. Some go to the store and return with their arms full of groceries, milk, and diapers. The Madres are always quick with a list of what they need the most at the time, but there are many other needs which still exist.
 Special outings for the children, scholarships for future educational opportunities, emergency funds for medical or dental crises, planning and support for children who may eventual transition out from the Refugio family are among the ongoing expenses.
 The Children's Shelter of Hope Foundation is a United States 501c3 charitable organization, which makes donations through the foundation deductible from US income tax. Plans are currently underway for a similar foundation for Canadian donations.
 Telephone: 222-7857 (if you speak Spanish) otherwise contact someone through the website http://www.refugioinfantil.com. More information about tax deductible donations can be found at http://www.childrens-shelter-of-hope-foundation.org. | 
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