Vallarta Living | February 2007  
Celebrating Women
 Every year on March 8th, International Women's Day provides an opportunity to focus upon and remember the struggle of women throughout the world.
 Celebrating the collective power of women past, present and future, its origin can be traced to 8th March, 1857, when women garment workers in New York demonstrated against working conditions.
 In 1910, at a Women’s Conference in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin proposed the establishment of a global International Women’s Day. She called upon women everywhere to link their fight for equal rights with a fight to preserve international peace and in 1911, millions of women celebrated the first International Women’s Day.
 Since then, the significance of the event has grown and now it has a truly global character. In 1977 the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution No. 322/142 inviting each country to proclaim a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace.
 In many countries March 8th has become an occasion to review the progress women have made in their struggle for peace, equal rights and social progress and an opportunity to raise funds for disadvantaged women everywhere.
 Here in Puerto Vallarta, Esperanza y Alegria, a group of women who run a support group for Cancer survivors, are planning a series of forums designed to inspire women to achieve their full potential.
 The first forum, “Mujeres Empresarias,” which focuses on the trials and tribulations of Women Business Owners in Mexico, will take place at the Rio Cuale Cultural Center on Monday March 5th at 10 am. Guest speakers include: Lic. Gabriela Marchefin Vergara of Artepil, Sra. Ma. Fernanda Maza de Tron of Aerotron and Q.F.B. Laurel Carrillo Ventura of Laboratorios Carrillo.
 On Tuesday March 6th, Maestra Gloria Martínez Guiltrón, Lic. Blanca Rodríguez Juárez and Dra. Ana Bergareche Lizarralde will present "Catedráticas Universitarias" (Women University Professors) at 10 am at the Rio Cuale Cultural Center.
 “Mujeres en la Política” (Women in Politics) will wrap up the series at 6:30 on Thursday March 8th in City Hall Plaza in downtown Puerto Vallarta, with Sra. Nelida Rodríguez Gutierrez - PRD, Sra. Olivia Pérez Gomez - PAN and Dip. Fed. Yolanda Rodríguez Ramirez - PRI discussing the past and the future of Women in Politics.
 For more information, contact: Esperanza y Alegria, Grupo de Apoyo para Sobrevivientes de Cancer Elsa Guadarrama - Cel. (044) 322-429-8790 Marcela Lares de Nieves - Cel. (044) 322-227-1011 Por medio de la presente el Instituto Municipal de la Mujer les hace la atenta invitacion a participar en las actividades que realizará en el marco del 8 de marzo - Dia Internacional de la Mujer:
 5 Marzo: Foro “Mujeres Empresarias” Lugar: Centro Cultural Cuale Horario: 10:00 a.m. Ponentes: Lic. Gabriela Marchefin Vergara - ARTEPIL Sra. Ma. Fernanda Maza de Tron - AEROTRON Q.F.B. Laurel Carrillo Ventura - LABORATORIOS CARRILLO
 6 de Marzo: Foro “Catedráticas Universitarias” Lugar: Centro Cultural Cuale Horario: 10:00 a.m. Ponentes: Maestra Gloria Martínez Guiltrón Lic. Blanca Rodríguez Juárez Dra. Ana Bergareche Lizarralde
 8 de Marzo: Foro “Mujeres en la Política” Lugar: Patio Central de Presidencia Horario: 18:30 p.m. PONENTES: Sra. Nelida Rodríguez Gutierrez - PRD Sra. Olivia Pérez Gomez - PAN Dip. Fed. Yolanda Rodríguez Ramirez - PRI
 Para más información, contacte: Esperanza y Alegria Grupo de Apoyo para Sobrevivientes de Cancer Elsa Guadarrama - Cel. 322-429-8790 Marcela Lares de Nieves - Cel. 322-227-1011 Gaby Najar - Sol Perez | 
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