Vallarta Living | Art Talk | March 2007  
Dali at Dante? No... it's Israel Zzepda!

| You are invited to "Meet the Artists" at Galleria Dante this Wednesday, from 6 to 10 pm. For more information, call 222-2477. To see some of the art work on display at Galeria Dante, visit GalleriaDante.com. | Galleria Dante invites you to "Meet the Artists" Wednesday, March 21st, from 6 to 10 pm. Last week we had 100 new pieces arrive, both paintings and sculptures. Most of the new paintings by Oscar Solis were sold before the show even began.
 This season, to be fair to every artist, we decided to honor the artists who were in attendance at each week's show. Attending artists were invited to bring in new works as they completed them, so not only was the gallery continually refreshed but it also gave the featured artists a chance to meet their collectors and make sales.
 There are only two shows left this season. We want to thank all of you who attended the shows, and especially our out of town artists who made the effort to come from Guadalajara and Mexico City on numerous occasions.
 Israel Zzepda will be in attendance on March 21st. His surreal works are greatly influenced by Salvador Dali. This will be the last show for Jean-Gabriel Lambert this winter, as he heads north to prepare for shows in Canada.
 Peter Spataro is heading to Sarasota, Florida to teach a painting workshop, but will be back for the last show of the season on April 4th. We welcome Sergio Lugo to our team or artists. More than 15 artists expected at the March 21st opening, including:
 Israel Zzepda - One often asks, how can he be so productive? His paintings are so detailed, filled with meaning and symbolism. As Israel begins to explain his canvases, the crowds around him grow, until the room is full of people eager to hear more. He is soft spoken, humble, but oh so disciplined. He is quoted as saying that part of the reason he is so productive and uninhibited, is that even as a young man, he was never told he could not paint. His family was religious, but he was never discouraged to paint what was in his heart and soul. We will have an English translator on hand to translate for Israel. His paintings are a must to see - and to hear in his own words makes you appreciate his talent.
 Pipo Brockman - His works have a simple beauty that seem to draw the viewer in. He has done very well since joining us this season. Pipo's works in a loose style that is very refreshing: both his portraits of humans, as well as his portraits of Mexican hairless dogs. His landscapes, filled with texture, draw you in to find a path through the maze. He is relaxed, his smile warm, his family and his dogs are his models and his support team. Every one who meets Pipo immediately are drawn into his smile.
 Lee Chapman - Aside from his fun Lencho style, he also paints more seriously under his given name, but still with a tongue in cheek humor. Lee has a great following of clients for his paintings, as well as his children's books. Come view his new Tango dancer and his Bather series. Often said to be Botero in style, they are not, but for many viewers portly figures are synonymous with Botero. To all of you who purchased a Vallarta Lifestyle Art Issue, Lee's painting graced the cover - an art scene in Vallarta, which was a big hit with the local scene, as even though not intentional, many of us recognized a few local celebrities.
 John Anderson - Copper fountains, pelicans, herons and wildlife are John's forte. The sound of water falling has been a big draw to get people into the sculpture garden area of the gallery. The light dances off the copper and as the light hits them, it shines. John is always open to commission work - his rain tree in the newly finished pool is very popular and John can make them in many sizes - the largest he made to date is 10 feet across and 7 feet high. John will be making deliveries to the Michigan, Wisconsin area starting in May, so place your orders now, just in time for garden season in the mid-west.
 David Leonard - Mosaic glass best describes his work: tables, beds, chairs, room dividers, serving bowls, flower vases, mirrors, even kitchen counters. If you have frequented the restaurant, Vite-A, you will have seen his tables and chairs. David will soon be on his way for a tour of several States and is happy to make a delivery to the New York area, as well as Wisconsin, and Florida and possibly any points in between. Come place your orders for summer delivery.
 Luis Espiridion - We welcome Luis to our staff. His thin, whimsical figures are his unique signature. But once every few years he does a three dimensional animal - his Black Sheep is endearing. We just received some new angels, mermaids and animals. Often the sculptures contain grafitti, a way of marking the pieces as his, as an animal would mark his territory. Luis placed a monumental "Vaca Loca" at the new Penisula mall in November to celebrate the opening of Thierry Blouet's new steak house. We have small copies of the Vaca Loca available. Luis is charming, often seen about town with his Mexican hairless dog, Chona.
 Rogelio Diaz - His paintings are taking another twist as his mind is active and his hands are busy. He has a unique style, that is constantly evolving, many think he has been influenced by Picasso and Basquiat. Rogelio believes that we all have something of a child within us. The older we grow, the closer we come to returning to the innocence of childhood. You either like or dislike his paintings, he leaves little room for middle ground. But collectors who would have never considered his works in years past have now become fond admirers of his work. And apart from his paintings, people adore Rogelio. Many a night at the gallery openings, the artist has taken paint still fresh to the touch and signed a few t-shirts or tennis.
 Sergio Lugo - Continues to define his style - this very talented young artist continues to experiment and develop a theme to his body of works. He revealed himself as a multi-talented artist, presenting mixed-media artworks with pop tendencies. Now his paintings in oil and acrylic focus on the human form. The paintings are mystical, sensual, surrealism emerging, his strength a good sense of color. He has always liked to draw and it shows in all his paintings.
 Yvan Genest - When Yvan produced his catalogue this year, with a retrospective view of his works, everyone asked why he was no longer painting abstracts. He had moved on, but at the insistance of is collectors and his love of abstract, he started painting again. The result is a winner, which are flying off the walls. Yvan's new "magico manos" series is also very exciting. After years showing in Paris, he now divides his time between Montreal, Vallarta and Yelapa.
 Richard Baker - Best known for his water colors, he is also gaining any collectors of his oils, which he started painting at age 80. Richard was recently asked to paint a Vallarta theme, he was inspired by the Viva girls, so immortalized them on his canvas. In the watercolors, his use of the white paper amazes professionals. His oils have a softness in the brush stroke and use of color, that have a watercolor quality. There is no subject matter he does not paint.
 Bill Megrail - Very talented as an artist, art critic & restorer of fine arts. His landscapes are an extension of where he lives, as Bill paints plein air. We currently exhibit banana plantations, cactus fields, floral gardens with a view of the ocean and garden scenes of San Miguel. His commitment to detail shows in his finished works, which if you stare at them, become three dimensional and feel you can walk into them. He has spent the last 6 months painting as well as building a new studio, so is anxious to dedicate 100% to his art again.
 Dana O'Donnell - We welcome her husband to Vallarta this year - a delightful couple. She works in stone, marble and alabaster, her works have an inner light. Her newest sculpture, "Indigena" carved in Mexican alabaster represents a mix of the different cultures. She also experiments with metals, both bronze & iron. Dana has worked in studios in Mexico, Colorado, Pietrasanta and Volterra. She has an enthusiasm for sculpture that attracted us to her work, as we are passionate about sculpture.
 Jean-Gabriel Lambert - Vibrant color best describes the paintings by this sensitive French artist. His paintings, a mesh of strong brush strokes and vibrant colors are forceful. You feel his passion and love of life in his use of colors. This year he is working primarily in acrylics, whereas for years all his paintings were oils. This energetic, young man warms the heart of all who meet him.
 James Knowles - Hails from Kent, England, but has been living in Mexico more than 20 years. James and his family are moving to Spain for the summer, but will continue to paint till then, so his clients will have many paintings to choose from. As every prolific artist, he is always experimenting. Currently exhibiting an on the edge line of sensual paintings, in addition to his floral paintings. Since the birth of his son 2 years ago, he has been more experimental with new ideas and subject matter, everything from beach scenes to markets. James has had a great season with Dante, which is very rewarding for him, as he is always constant.
 Bill White - If you have seen Bill's portraits, you know how talented he is. After painting the famous Xuitla dancers, he decided he needed to paint other subjects. He is passionate about Mexico, so he decided to paint portraits of charras & charros. Recently seeing the Xuitla dancers perform again, he was inspired to paint another series of these beautiful young women. This week Bill delivered 8 small portrait paintings to the gallery.
 Javier Lampreabe - Hails from Argentina. Javier used to paint large murals and worked in theatre. Most of his paintings have a dream-like quality. There are many hidden messages in his works, including spiritual elements. The paintings have a peacefulness, as does the artist. Today you will find him and Carolina building their house from scratch, which will include a new studio for Javier.
 Don't miss your chance to "Meet the Artists" at Galleria Dante every other Wednesday from 6 to 10 pm. The last show of the season is scheduled for April 4th.
 Open Mon-Fri from 10 am-5 pm, Galeria Dante is located at Basilio Badillo 269 in Puerto Vallarta's Romantic Zone. For more information, call 222-2477, or send an email to info@galleriadante.com. To see some of the art work on display at Galeria Dante, visit GalleriaDante.com. | 
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