Entertainment | March 2007  
Vallarta Chamber Orchestra Spring Concert
Mary MacLachlan - PVNN

| Admission to this concert is by donation so there is no need to buy a ticket. Don't miss hearing Vallarta's very own orchestra in concert. | Classical music lovers will once again have the opportunity to hear the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra in concert. The orchestra will present its spring concert on Sunday, March 18th in the plaza of the Centro Cultural Rio Cuale at 8 pm.
 If you have never been to the Centro Cultural, it is time to do so. Go to the Bistro Cafe and head inland. What a beautiful location for a concert!
 This is the third season for the chamber orchestra. During this time, the group has grown to more than 20 members and has performed a variety of concerts in the Vallarta area.
 This past December, the orchestra played to approximately 250 audience members when they performed their annual Christmas Concert. Recently they performed to a very appreciative audience at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens "Noche de las Luminarias."
 The March 18th concert will be conducted by the very talented Rigoberto Mora and will include Haydn's Symphony #63, two movements from the Vallarta Suite by John Robertson (written specifically for the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra), Vivaldi's Guitar Concerto in D Major featuring Rigoberto Mora on guitar, as well as several other works that you will not want to miss.
 Admission to this concert is by donation so there is no need to buy a ticket. Don't miss hearing Vallarta's very own orchestra in concert. Be sure to mark your calendar for Sunday, March 18th. It will be one of the musical highlights of the spring season. | 
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