Travel & Outdoors | March 2007  
ExProTur Vallarta 2007

| For more information or to reserve your space at ExProTur Vallarta 2007, contact ventas@exprotur.com.

| Plans are underway for the 12th annual ExProTur Vallarta, an International exposition for tourist industry service providers in Western Mexico, scheduled to take place from May 31st-June 2nd at the new Puerto Vallarta Convention Center.
 ExProTur Vallarta is an important annual product show for the local hospitality industry and this year more than 150 businesses, representing hundreds of national and international brand names, are expected to participate.
 With a wide variety of historical and cultural attractions, beautiful jungle and coastal scenery, and a curious mix of old traditions and modern high-tech culture, Puerto Vallarta is the perfect place for vacations, tourism expositions and business conventions.
 In the Banderas Bay region, visitors can enjoy beautiful beaches, lush jungles and sparkling waterfalls that offer many opportunities for the adventurous, as well as a multitude of five star resorts, world-class golf courses, shopping centers, art galleries and gourmet restaurants that satisfy even the most sophisticated traveler.
 Over the last five years, the Banderas Bay area has grown by leaps and bounds. Some of the new projects that have been added to this exciting vacation destination's existing 30,000 hotel rooms and more than 1,200 restaurants and bars include:
 The Litibu resort development, which will eventually include luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, golf courses, and beach clubs; the Peninsula Village and Grand Venetian tourist and residential developments in the Puerto Vallarta hotel zone; the 9-story waterfront Hotel Riu on Flamingo Beach; the Shangri La condominium and hotel development in Marina Vallarta and the new La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Marina, in addition to a multitude of projects that are currently under construction like the $40 million dollar shopping center that's going up next to Wal-Mart; the new condo development on the former site of the Molina de Agua Hotel and a host of new plazas, boutiques, restaurants, clubs and art galleries.

Offering both exhibitors and attendees the opportunity to network with the directors, sales executives and proprietors of hotels and restaurants in Puerto Vallarta, Banderas Bay and surrounding areas, as well as representatives from other tourist destinations in the Mexican Republic, you won't want to miss ExProTur Vallarta 2007!
 For more information or to reserve your space at ExProTur Vallarta 2007, contact ventas@exprotur.com. Estimado Empresario:
 Por este medio le envío un cordial saludo y al mismo tiempo le envío nuestros nuevos telefónos de nuestra 11va. Exposición de Proveedores para Hoteles y Restaurantes, ExProTur Vallarta 2007. Así mismo adjunto el plano del evento con los espacios disponibles.
 Lugar Sede: NUEVO CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES Fecha: 31 de mayo, 01 y 02 de junio de 2007 Costo X stand de 3X3=9m2: $16,200.00 + 15% de IVA Plan de pagos: 50% para reservar (marzo 2007) 50% en abril de 2007
 Así mismo le envío algunos proyectos que tiene la Puerto Vallarta y la Bahía de Banderas: Grupo Litibu Megaproyecto Turistico, que comprende desde San Blas hasta Puerto Vallarta en el cual se construiran hoteles, restaurantes, centros comerciales, campos de golf, clubs de playa, etc); Hotel Peninsula, Hotel Gran Venetian, Hotel Riu, Hotel Shangri La, nueva marina en La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, considerada como la 2da. mas grande a nivel mundial, remodelaciones como el Hotel Molino De Agua de mas de 200 MDD, nuevas plazas, galerias y liverpool, estos sumados a mucho mas proyectos que tiene PUERTO VALLARTA y la Bahia de Banderas en un lapso no mayor a los 5 años consecutivos. Esto aunado a lo que actualmente tiene que son: 30,000 cuartos de hotel y mas de 1,200 restaurantes, bares, discotecas, etc.
 * Propietarios de Hoteles y Restaurantes * Desarrolladores Turísticos * Tiendas de Autoservicios * Gerentes de Compras * Contralores Generales * Franquicias * Gerentes de Alimentos y Bebidas * Mayoristas * Panaderías / Pastelerías * Gerentes de Mantenimiento * Arquitectos * Neverías * Chefs Ejecutivos * Ingenieros * Centros Nocturnos * Cocineros de Alto Nivel * Encargados de Areas Públicas * Comedores Industriales * Discotecas * Gerentes de División Cuartos * Decoradores * Bares * Amas de Llaves * Hospitales * Gerentes de Banquetes * Gerentes de Recursos Humanos * Administradores * Cafeterías
 * Jalisco * Colima * Sonora * Nayarit * Oaxaca * Michoacán * Guerrero * Sinaloa * Guanajuato * Aguascalientes * Baja California * Zacatecas * Durango * Nuevo León
 Para más información, contacte Elsa Yadira Amaral, Gerente de Mercadotecnia y Cuentas Clave a 322-223-4461 / 223-4462 / 223-4489 ext. 110, email: elsayadira@exprotur.com / ventas@exprotur.com o visitar nuestra páguina web AQUI. | 
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