Puerto Vallarta Sixth Graders Bound for Canada
Isabela Varela - PVNN

| To learn more, contact Dawn Ford (780) 492-0195 or dawn.ford@ualberta.ca, or Isabela Varela at (780) 492-6041 or isabela.varela@ualberta.ca. | For the first time, a group of sixth graders from Colegio Vancouver in Puerto Vallarta will be visiting the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, to practice their English and get a taste of Alberta culture. The one-week visit will begin on Monday, April 2, 2007.
 Accompanied by their Canadian teacher, Kim Herr, the bilingual students will participate in a class with the university’s education students, tour the University of Alberta campus, meet their pen pals at a local elementary school, and experience some of our city’s tourist destinations.
 Ms Herr, who is a University of Alberta Education graduate with a minor in psychology, has been in Mexico for two years and journals her experience in an online blog: http://kimsmexicantour.blogspot.com.
 Also accompanying the students will be the Director and Founder of Colegio Vancouver Puerto Vallarta, "Bunnie" Lillian Ranard. Originally from Vancouver, Ms Ranard is the Puerto Vallarta students' principal and fluent in both Spanish and English.
 The seven Grade Six students from Colegio Vancouver in Puerto Vallarta are also bilingual, very excited, and some, maybe a little shy. But they will have plenty of opportunities to overcome their shyness.
 On the first day, for example, they will be taking part in a special educational activity, Communicating through Elementary Math, in which, together with 32 Elementary Education U of A students they will be exploring and building 3D and 2D objects. There will be 7 tables of U of A students with one of the grade 6 students from Mexico seated at each table.
 After class, Dr. Dianne Oberg (Elementary Education chair) will be hosting the visitors in the 5th floor lunchroom for cake and juice. Other activities during the Mexico students' one week visit in Edmonton include: a visit to Fort Edmonton Park, the Provincial Museum, West Edmonton Mall, the Legislature and a big welcome party at Kim's Mom's property near Sherwood Park on Saturday.
 The University of Alberta has partnerships with several post-secondary institutions in Mexico, including ITESM in Monterrey, Universidad de Guadalajara and UNAM. To learn more, contact Dawn Ford (780) 492-0195 or dawn.ford@ualberta.ca, or Isabela Varela at (780) 492-6041 or isabela.varela@ualberta.ca. |