Vallarta Living | March 2007  
PV Pirates MC Ride for Cerebral Palsy

| For more information in English, call Dennis Rike at (322) 221-2479. Para más información en Espanol, llame Miguel Morris a 044-322-227-1017. | This Spring, the Puerto Vallarta Pirates Motorcycle Club, a group of Banderas Bay bikers who share a common love for choppers and children, are planning two Charity Motorcycle Runs to raise money for Proyecto Pitillal, Busca un Amigo A.C.
 Founded in 2004 by Silvia Peña Hernández, Proyecto Pitillal, Busca un Amigo A.C., is a non-profit association for underprivileged children in the Banderas Bay area who are afflicted with cerebral palsy.
 Since then, the growing center has been receiving support from volunteers and charitable organizations, such as the Puerto Vallarta International Friendship Club and Children & Families in Need, a nonprofit organization based in the USA.
 The center is operated primarily by volunteers and professionals who donate their services, as well as sponsors, who provide the center with the children's nutritional needs.
 However, even with the effort of all the personnel, volunteers and parents, there still aren't enough funds to take care of all the children's therapy needs.
 So this Spring the Puerto Vallarta Pirates Motorcycle Club will be hosting two Charity Motorcycle Runs to help cover the costs of the free rehabilitation and special care Busca un Amigo provides to local children with cerebral palsy.
 Puerto Vallarta Pirates Motorcycle Club members have always been very supportive of local charities, especially when children are involved. Their community involvement is nothing short of inspiring, regularly organizing charity events, rides and runs to benefit those in the most critical need.
 Join them on Sunday, April 1st and Sunday, May 6th as they hit the open road to benefit cerebral palsy. With the help of these incredible riders and other motorcycle enthusiasts in the community, we can all make a difference. For more information, call Dennis Rike at (322) 221-2479.
 All bikers and riders are welcome to join the PV Piratas for this fund raiser. Se invita a todos los Motociclistas a unirse a Los Piratas de Vallarta en este evento de benefieiencia.
 Charity Motorcycle Run, Sunday April 1st Carrera de Motos de Beneficencia Domingo 1 de Abril
 To: Rincon de Guayabitos and Punta Mita
 Meeting Location: Carl's Jr. / Pemex / Marina Vallarta Lugar de Reunion: Carl's Jr. / Pemex / Marina Vallarta
 Time: 8:30 am - Departure 8:45 am Hora: 8:30 am - Salidas 8:45 am
 Charity Motorcycle Run, Sunday May 6th Carrere de Motos de Beneficiencia 6 de Mayo
 To: Mascota-Talpa
 Meeting Location: Carl's Jr. / Pemex / Marina Vallarta Lugar de Reunion: Carl's Jr. / Pemex / Marina Vallarta
 Time: 8:30 am - Departure 8:45 am Hora: 8:30 am - Salidas 8:45 am
 BENIFICARY - BENEFICIARIO Proyecto Pitillal Busca Un Amigo, A.C.
 Donation: $100 pesos per Rider, $50 pesos per Passenger Donacion: $100 por Piloto, Pasajero $50 pesos
 For more information in English, call Dennis Rike at (322) 221-2479. Para más información en Espanol, llame Miguel Morris a 044-322-227-1017. | 
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