Vallarta Living | March 2007  
Snip & Clip Clinic
Laura Gelezunas - PVNN

| Veterinarian Perviaz Manzoor and Alley Cat Rescue volunteers helped curb the Banderas Bay area's stray animal overpopulation problem by hosting a free spay and neuter clinic on March 2nd and 3rd. | Alley Cat Rescue, in Mount Rainier, Maryland, has gone to the dogs. A group of four veterinarians, Drs. Bill Preace, Perviaz Manzoor, Ajaz Alvi, and Javaid Manzoor; two vet technicians, Emily Lemus-Mansilla and Denise Hilton; and two administrative professionals, Louise Holton and Kylie Luik, left the cold and snow of the north to visit sunny Puerto Vallarta and hold a spay and neuter clinic. This event greatly improves the lives of some area cats and dogs.
 The scene of a high-volume spay/neuter clinic is something to behold for the very first time. There are stations within the clinic and lots of activity besides the surgery.
 A volunteer can be seen cuddling a patient in the recovery room after recent surgery. There can be as many as 12 dogs or cats recovering from surgery at the same time.
 There are an estimated 45-thousand stray dogs and close to 100-thousand feral cats roaming free in the Banderas Bay area. Over 90-percent of them are capable of producing offspring.

| BanderasNews videographer Laura Gelezunas gives us an inside look at the free spay and neuter clinic that was held by a group of volunteers from Alley Cat Rescue at the Centro de Acopio Animal/Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter on March 2nd and 3rd. | "There has long been conjecture inside the veterinary community, particularly in the US, as to whether or not spay and neuter is the answer to pet overpopulation and, of course, it is the answer to pet overpopulation," says Dr. Bill Pearce, "It is a simple procedure that is tremendously, in my opinion, overpriced in all parts of the world that I visit but particularly in third world countries, you look at the condition of these animals, it makes you want to kill somebody."
 The clinic took place March 2nd and 3rd. Alley Cat Rescue and a group of Puerto Vallarta animal lovers, including area vets and their assistants, organized it.
 "We were contacted by an American working in Mexico, who has a passion for animals, and she asked if we could send any help to curb the overpopulation problem," says Louise Holton, President, Alley Cat Rescue, "We jumped at the opportunity to come over with some vets from the US and bring our expertise in working with stray animals in the US to Puerto Vallarta."
 It is the first clinic of this size in Puerto Vallarta. It included six vets, four vet technicians and over 30 volunteers. The amount of supplies was daunting, but many items were donated, everything from food to surgical equipment. And the experience was a good lesson for everyone involved.
 Kylie Luik of Alley Cat Rescue says, "It was a lot of work because we had never done a clinic. We talked to other groups who had previously done clinics but most weren't particularly helpful, but now that we've done it we can really come up with our own list that really has the essentials on it."
 Nearly 100 animals were spayed or neutered at no cost to the pet owners. This saves almost one-point-five million unwanted little ones from being born over the next six years.
 Learn more about Alley Cat Rescue's Puerto Vallarta Spay & Neuter Clinic: The Anatomy of A Spay & Neuter Clinic  Airborne Animals
After having spent 10 years in the world of US broadcast news, Laura Gelezunas decided to unleash her skills on Puerto Vallarta by opening Video Diva Productions, a full-service, professional digital video company. Whether you're interested in a sales video, WEBmercial, music video, feature story, documentary, or corporate event video coverage, she has the experience, equipment and talent to coordinate a professional production. For more information, visit her website at VideoDivaProductions.com.. | 
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