Entertainment | Books | June 2007  
The World's First Network of Book On Demand Libraries

| InstaBook Corporation is a company with a long history of being at the vanguard of the book on demand production. | Through the purchase of the InstaBook systems for their public libraries, Mexico is becoming a world leader in the application of this new technology by offering services that no other country is offering to their readers. Mexico is thus pointing the way towards a new concept of public libraries services.
 At select public libraries, Mexican readers will be able to request the printing on demand of any of the hundreds of thousands of digital titles already digitized and available through the InstaBook Network. As the Mexican Network of Digital Libraries expands its reach and its digital resources, it is anticipated that millions of titles will be available in the future from any terminal of the network. In a few meters of space, the technology will offer the Mexican readers immediate access to many of the best books ever published at a cost of pennies per book. They will find books from Aristotle to Cervantes in a never ending supply of books.
 For an average cost per book that is less than the price of a newspaper, Mexican readers will be able to take home and keep forever their books and, thus, start building their own collections. And not only the classics: the network will also be able to help in the preservation of languages by making affordable the edition and publication of books in native languages. Mexico has over sixty native languages that are in danger of disappearing.
 The Mexican Network of Digital Libraries will have the initial ability to print over 5 million units of books per year. The network could also be used to print and deliver, immediately and across the country, thousands of copies of a given title, something impossible to achieve though any other means.
 InstaBook Corporation became known in the late nineties after it invented the world's first integrated book on demand system. InstaBook installed the first Digital Bookstore in the year 2000 and since then InstaBook Corporation has installed more than 100 book on demand systems around the world. InstaBook also holds the most extensive patents in the area of book on demand technology.
 InstaBook Corporation is a company with a long history of being at the vanguard of the book on demand production.
 1995.- Applies for its first patent for a book on demand equipment. 1999 - The World's First to create an all inclusive book on demand equipment. 2000 - The World's First in installing a Digital Bookstore 2001 - The World's First in Distributed Printing. Installs InstaBook systems in 8 countries. 2007 - The World's First Network of Digital Libraries.
 InstaBook Corporation: http//www.instabook.net | 
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