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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkTravel & Outdoors | June 2007 

Travelers Face Frustrations With Passport Rule Changes
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Bryan Lipson, left, a passport operations officer, gives instructions to applicants waiting in long lines in Houston, where demand has soared. (Aaron M. Sprecher/NYTimes)
Houston — With government phone lines jammed by record numbers of passport-seekers, Veronica Alvarez and three anxious friends hoping to travel to Cancun next week showed up at the federal building here on Wednesday at 3 a.m.

There were 11 people in line ahead of them.

“We’ve been calling for a week every day,” said Ms. Alvarez, 29, a bank clerk, who joined about 1,200 people who have been besieging the downtown office here daily for word on their passports, some of which were requested in February.

The State Department has acknowledged long delays from “unprecedented demand” after new rules requiring passports for travelers returning from Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean. It expects to announce new measures soon to ease the nationwide crush.

Already, special teams to handle the backlog have been dispatched to Houston and other cities, said Eric Botts, the State Department’s assistant regional director at the Houston Passport Agency, who himself has been helping control crowds and expedite applications outside the thronged Mickey Leland Federal Building.

“Can I get your cooperation?” he repeatedly asked the crowd wrapped around the building on Wednesday morning. Those seeking to leave the country imminently were shuttled to the front of the line for quick attention. “I think you’re in great shape today,” he encouraged the dubious. “But I want to let you know it’s going to be a long day.”

In his 13 years here, Mr. Botts said, “this is the busiest it’s ever been.” But he and the regional director, Jacqueline Harley-Bell, said the office had been working late nights, Saturdays and holidays to vet applicants and produce 15,000 to 18,000 passports a week, up from the usual 10,000 to 12,000.

The scene was less frantic Wednesday at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Station on Third Avenue and 55th Street in Manhattan, where Manuel Suarez, a postal clerk processing passports, was telling a short line of applicants that the normal wait of four to six weeks was now at least 10 weeks.

Even expedited service, which costs extra, can take two or three weeks, complained Arthur Kuyumchian, 28, a trader who was rushing to replace a lost passport. “I have to travel in two weeks, and if I can’t get that passport I can’t even get on the plane,” Mr. Kuyumchian said.

The problem extends nationwide, said Rob Smith, executive director of the National Association of Passport and Visa Services in Silver Spring, Md., an organization that represents about two dozen of the largest companies registered with the Passport Office to hand-carry or otherwise expedite a limited number of applications for a fee higher than what the government charges.

This year, Smith said, the government is expected to more than double the seven million passports issued in 2002.

Members of Congress have been drawn into the fray as constituents with airline tickets in hand demand to know why their passports have been held up, sometimes after paying the government a $60 expediting fee in addition to the regular charge of $97 for a passport. Private expediting services can charge hundreds of dollars above that.

“Compared to last year, we’re getting three times the number of calls,” said Matt Mackowiak, a spokesman for Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas, who has three people on staff handling passport problems.

Much of the spike in applications is attributed to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, which went into effect Jan. 23 and requires passports, merchant mariner documents or frequent-traveler Nexus cards for air travelers returning from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Bermuda. Next January, the requirement is likely to be extended to ship, rail and road travelers.

But somehow, the government seemed caught by surprise when crowds began besieging passport offices this spring.

Even now, callers to the automated national passport line (1-877-487-2778) are told that because of “unprecedented” volume, appointments can be given only to travelers departing in the next two weeks.

Callers who are leaving within two weeks are then transferred to a 24-hour automated line that often says they cannot be connected because of the volume of calls and urges them to call back during nighttime hours. The line then goes dead.

“We are also experiencing a very high volume of e-mails,” the passport office Web site says. “Responses to e-mails may take 2-4 days.”

Would-be travelers waiting outside the passport offices on Wednesday in Houston voiced varying degrees of resignation and frustration.

“Basically, they’ve taken my money,” said Kevin Owens, 39, an oil industry employee, who sent in an expedited application April 20 and, with a June 14 trip to Jamaica looming, was still passportless. “The whole process is —” he searched for a word — “lacking.”

John DeMers, 54, a Houston writer on food and culture, said he was due to leave Tuesday on a 10-stop lecture tour of Europe and had finally come to the office to see what happened to the passport he applied for in March. “It’s in limbo somewhere,” he said.

Carol McCourt, 45, a kindergarten teacher, flew in from Tulsa, Okla., to check on the passport she needed to meet her 15-year-old son in France. She did not feel like celebrating much, she said, “but today’s my birthday.”

Christopher D. Blinky, a passport office employee, then appeared by her side with a form to fill out for quick action.

A nervous Brianna Pollinger, 35, of suburban Katy, Tex., arrived at the passport office on Tuesday not knowing whether she would be able to leave Friday on a 10-year anniversary trip to Mexico with her husband. But after waiting nearly eight hours, she emerged with a prized blue-covered booklet. Was she mollified? “Oh, no,” she said. “I definitely minded.”

Matthew R. Warren contributed reporting from New York.

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