Rescued Princess Looking for Love
 Hi, my name is Princess. Well, at least that's what Dr. Manuel Peña and Salvador named me when they saved me from being run over by cars. Since then they have been helping me. They have healed my paw, and are feeding me and taking me for walks (which helps me get used to wearing a leash) but they cannot keep me.
 If you adopt me, we can be great friends! I'm 7 months old, approximately 50 cms tall and 1 meter long, very gentle and affectionate. I´m willing to cheer you up when you come home and I promise to love you a lot. Oh, yeah, I have also been "fixed" so I won't be a problem...
 If you want to adopt me, you can meet me from 9 am to 6 pm at Veterinarian Mascotas, located at Melchor Ocampo No. 109-9 (in front of the Seguro Social Hospital's Emergency entrance near Plaza Caracol.) For more information, call: (322) 224-0319 Hola humanos, me llamo Princesa!
 Así me bautizaron cuando me rescataron de ser arrollada por los autos. El Dr. Manuel Peña y Salvador me están ayudando, ya curaron mi patita lastimada, me alimentan y me pasean para que me acostumbre a la correa.
 Tengo 7 meses aprox., mido 50cm de alto y 1mt de largo, soy muy dócil, cariñosa y estoy dispuesta a quererte y alegrarte cuando llegues a casa, podemos ser grandes amigos! Ya estoy esterilizada.
 Si quieres ADOPTARME puedes conocerme en Veterinaria Mascotas ubicada en Melchor Ocampo No. 109-9 frente a entrada a urgencias del Seguro Social que está por Plaza Caracol de 9 am a 6 pm. Tel: (322) 224-0319. |