Entertainment | August 2007  
Scottish Film on Mexican Deaths Wins Plaudits
Elizabeth Mistry - Sunday Herald go to original
 A Scottish documentary is winning international acclaim after revealing for the first time how the Mexican government colluded with a paramilitary hit squad to murder an unarmed group of indigenous people.
 A Massacre Foretold, directed and produced by Nick Higgins, recounts how high-ranking soldiers from the Mexican army encouraged paramilitary groups to attack communities of indigenous people sympathetic to the guerrilla group behind the 1994 Zapatista uprising in the southern state of Chiapas.
 Higgins talked exclusively to the Sunday Herald on the eve of the film's world premiere at the Edinburgh Festival. It has already attracted interest from major international festivals in Mexico, France, Canada and the US.
 And on hearing that it is the only Scottish film to be nominated for the Sky Movies Best Documentary Award this year, first minister Alex Salmond has requested a copy.
 Higgins, head of the Visual and Cultural Studies Masters programme at Edinburgh University, was a research scholar at the prestigious Colegio de Mexico when the massacre took place.
 He hopes the film will put the spotlight on the killings.
 Higgins believes that the chain of command stretches back to the then Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo, who now teaches corporate governance at Yale University. | 
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