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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEntertainment | Restaurants & Dining | October 2007 

American Food Top Choice for People When Dining Out
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Italian food and Mexican food round out the top three choices.
American adults have their choice of many different cuisines when it comes to eating out. From pasta to burritos, the choices are almost endless. But what do Americans choose when eating out? American food, of course!

Over one-quarter (28%) of U.S. adults say American food is what they are most likely to choose if they had the choice to go out to a restaurant and eat one type of food. Just under one-quarter (22%) say that they would most likely choose Italian while 17 percent would choose Mexican while 16 percent would choose Chinese if they had the choice to go out to a restaurant. Japanese is the next choice as seven percent say they would choose this type of cuisine. Much further down the list are Indian (2% say they would choose) and then French and Middle Eastern cuisine (1% would choose each). Finally, four percent say they would choose another type of food.

These are some of the findings of a Harris Poll of 2,392 adults surveyed online between September 11 and 18, 2007 by Harris Interactive®.

Americans in all regions know their preferences. One-third of Southerners and 27 percent of Midwesterners stick with American food. In the East, almost one-third (31%) say Italian food is their top choice while over one-quarter of Westerners (27%) pick Mexican. Japanese cuisine also gets a spike in the South as one in ten Southerners (10%) say it is their top choice.

When it comes to age, there are also some differences. For Matures (those aged 62 and older), American is tops as two in five (41%) say it is the food they are most likely to choose. Both Baby Boomers (those aged 43-61) and Generation Xers (those aged 31-42) also keep American food as their top choice (28% and 25%) respectively. But for Baby Boomers, Chinese moves into third place as almost one in five (19%) say it is the type of food they are most likely to choose. For Gen Xers, Mexican becomes their second choice as one-quarter (24%) would choose this type of cuisine. The youngest group, Echo Boomers (those aged 18 – 30) have a different top choice as 23 percent of this age group would choose Italian food followed by one in five (21%) who say American food.

Education also shows some differences. One-third (34%) of those with High School of less education are most likely to choose American food as would 26 percent of college graduates. One-quarter of those with some college education (24%) and with a post graduate education (25%) say they are most likely to choose Italian food when they go out to a restaurant.

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