Vallarta Living | November 2007  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Argentine Tango instructor Barbara Garvey wears the beautiful necklace her husband, Al, her partner in Argentine tango instruction, made for her birthday. | The holiday season is here and there are lots of great things to do - from Thanksgiving dinners to Christmas shopping to lending a helping hand to those who need it most - while you are Out and About in Puerto Vallarta this week.
 We met one of the most outstanding and dedicated young women in Vallarta at charity night at BananaCantina. Kerri Rivera, who has an autistic young son, founded Bebepingo A.C., Peru #1068, Tel: (322) 223-2006. Kerri points out that the organization is dedicated to helping families recover their children from autism and other similar disorders.
 "Thousands of children have recovered from autism using the protocol (diet, supplements, hyperbaric chamber,) and thousands more continue to improve and recover, thanks to a special group of dedicated doctors and parents who do not take a diagnosis as the final word," Kerri says. "We translated the protocol from English to Spanish with the blessings of Dr. Bernard Rimland at the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, CA."
 The hyperbaric chamber can be used for many health needs. "Any proceeds from the treatments in the chamber go toward helping low-income families that we treat at the clinic who have autism," Kerri explains. Kerri is happy to provide a tour and information. She also is available to help by Internet. "I have people I help all over the world in both English and Spanish." The website is BebePingo.com. Her email is kerririvera@yahoo.com.
 Lovers of good music are happy to see Don and Rhonda back from a summer in Canada and performing again here. We caught up with them both at Treetop Bar & Grill (Miguelito's) and Cafe des Artistes, and it is so good to have them back in our lives. They also will play at Thierry Blouet's new restaurant at Punta de Mita when it opens. Several of Don Pope's sitar concerts are being planned in town.
 Additionally, concerts at Ritmos Beach of various music groups are scheduled to begin in December. Tony Tune also is putting together a music room at Beach Cafe for evening music.
 Cafe Bohemio, Rodolfo Gomez #127, will have three settings for Thanksgiving dinner. For reservations, email cafebohemio@hotmail.com. Treehouse Bar & Grill, Basilio Badillo 287, also offers three settings for Thanksgiving dinner. Make reservations at (322) 223-1263.
 U.S. Consular Agent Kelly Trainor will speak and answer questions at Wise Women in Vallarta on Wednesday, November 28, from 10:00 am - noon at the International Friendship Club House, Libertad and Miramar. Make reservations with seminar founder Darla Fowler at darla@seminarswithdarla.com.
 Once a year, the fishermen of Mismaloya and their North American friends compete in a friendly fishing competition called the Mismaloya Challenge. It takes place this year on Saturday, December 1. The Challenge last year had 47 challengers. Sailfish and Dorado of 60 plus pounds were winners. The Challenge helps fishermen and their families. Plan to meet fishermen such as Chato, Chipol, Roberto, Adrion and Ricardo. Email gloriawigg@gmail.com for more details.
 Beatriz Narvaez gallery, Leona Vicario #241, has beautiful paintings of French artist Laurence Michaud. Beautiful colors of lavender, blue, yellow, green in various settings.
 The Deli, V. Carranza #311-B, has wonderful salads and other items to accompany holiday meals. New items include tomatillo chutney, Greek salad, roasted vegetables and roasted garlic. And try the creamy pumpkin cheesecake!
 Joe Johnston and Kirstie Kaiser invited guests to view their newly built tango dance room recently. We also celebrated Argentine dance instructor Barbara Garvey's birthday, with husband and tango instructor Al, presenting her with a beautiful necklace he designed for Barbara.
 Remember Gifts That Give takes place November 23 and 24 from noon-10 pm at Epoca restaurant on the Malecon extension with 15 vendors displaying wares for sale to help with children's emergency health care. Also, the fund raiser November 26 for the children´s library of Sally Conley, Calle Hidalgo #256, in El Pitillal. Email pmt15@hotmail.com for additional information about both events.
 In addition, a concert on Friday and a book fair on Saturday take place this coming weekend at Los Mangos Public Library. Email library board member; Sally Conley; at sallyconley@pvnet.com.mx, for details.
 I checked out Len's (blu salon) face to see if it was plumped up for Thanksgiving from his recent botox and filler demonstration. Thanks to Dr. Miguel Angel Saldana, Len looks great, ready for his show-stopping appearance beginning November 28 in the Community Theater rock ´n´ roll show, Those Oldies But Goodies.
 And I picked up the phone to singing of "Hooray for Hollywood" from Don Gallery (Writers Group president,) returned from recognition of his Mother who appeared in silent films. Don't we all wish for his positive energy when we are 86? Hooray for you, dear Don!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles | 
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