Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Local musicians Los Bambinos have truly morphed into Metamorsa and are well on their way to international stardom. | 
| Lazzaro, shown here with the band's #1 fan, Polly Vicars, is a show-stopper - both on and off the stage. | 
| New York actress Dana Zeller-Alexis stars in Shirley Valentine's Vallarta Adventure at Santa Barbara Theater. | 
| Former Second City musical director Blaine Selkirk, producer and manager of Metamorsa. | 
| Former Viva! models, Jackie, Dayana, Hayley and Zayra are now promoting tours for Vallarta Adventures. | From famous Broadway actors and entertainers to rising musical stars, celebrated authors and record producers, you never know who you'll encounter while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta.
 A recent celebratory concert and recognition highlighted Metamorsa (Los Bambinos), the five young men who have sung as youngsters on the beach, to now awaiting a possible major record contract. Their new CD will be released officially through a major recording company, according to their manager and record producer, Blaine Selkirk.
 Blaine has been strategic in their musical growth and stage presence. Polly and Hubert Vicars have been long-time supporters. Look for the guys singing at restaurants, and they will appear in The Grinch That Stole Christmas in December at Santa Barbara Theater.
 The restaurant tempo is increasing on the south side. Look for The Beach House, south of El Dorado, a planned opening in mid-December. About beach lounges, beds, inventive menu. Owned by a former Four Seasons manager.
 Madison South now is at the former Lazy Lizard, on the beach. Pub feel with a sports bar. Toronto´s David and Isabel (Casa Isabel) are owners. They own a successful bar in Toronto Madison Avenue Pub. They hold a popular Becas Vallarta fund raiser each summer in Toronto. One of Andale´s well-known bartenders, Christine Hammer (Martillo) will be working there.
 The new equipment with lots of knobs is whirling at Xocodiva Artisan Chocolates, Rodolfo Gomez 111, hours 10 am - 10 pm, turning out dark and milk chocolate. Stop by and take a look. I call owner Charlotte Semple an "intellectual chocolatier," as she knows so much about the history of chocolate.
 Curtain Call Community Theater's long-awaited rock ´n´ roll show, Those Oldies But Goodies, opens Wednesday, November 28th at 8 pm at the Cultural Auditorium (formerly Cecatur), off of the main plaza at Zarragoza and Matamoros. The show will run Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights for two weeks, with the final performance on December 7th. Surprises supposedly will occur. Tickets are around town or they can be purchased for a $150 peso donation at the door.
 Vallarta and Broadway musical entertainer Sol Rose performs three 90-minute shows December 4, 11 and 18 at 9 pm at Santa Barbara Theater on the south side. This is Las Vegas-style adult entertainment. There are even x-rated chocolates in the show. My goodness! Show is $220 pesos or with dinner beforehand at Sol´s restaurant, Cafe Bohemio, Rodolfo Gomez 127, $350 pesos.
 Enjoy Christmas breakfast with the Vallarta Breakfast Club at 10 am on Friday, December 7th at Boca Bento, Basilio Badillo 180. Community participants share charity, events and other information. My jaws and ears are usually sore from use when I leave these cheerful gatherings! Required reservations at pmt15@hotmail.com.
 Organizer Pamela Thompson says items such as jewelry you design, cookies you bake, or handicrafts you make, can be sold at this meeting. Make arrangements with Pamela. She also asks that attendees bring supplies for the Teen Pregnancy program of New Life Mexico (in cooperation with the local social services.)
 Needed items include: deodorant, soap, combs, toothbrushes, face cloths, shampoo, baby powder, newborn diapers, receiving blankets, hooded baby towels, teething rings, and knitted booties, hats and clothing.
 Vicky Mason, who is the manager of the teen program, reports that there are more than 50 girls in the pregnant teen program. "Our main goal is the health of these young mothers and their babies."
 Becas' scholarship fund raising breakfast is Tuesday, January 27th, at 9:30 am at the Hacienda Restaurant, Lazaro Cardenas 388 at Aguacate. Call Buri Gray at 221-5285 for tickets.
 Upcoming Becas events include the January 22nd breakfast at La Palapa on Los Muertos beach and the Becas Ball on Saturday, March 8th, at the Westin Regina Hotel at the Vallarta Marina.
 Though it could have been better publicized, the first Indigenous Cultural Fair at Parque Hidalgo drew a steady stream of visitors. Seven indigenous communities that participated are Tzotzil, Zapoteca, Otomi, Mixteca, Nahuatl, Wixaritari and Triqui. Vallarta Mayor Javier Bravo Carbajal, Human Rights officials and the Chairman of the Indigenous Peoples Union participated in opening ceremonies.
 Ambiance by Marcia, Constitution 347, always draws me down the street with its wonderful candle scents. Marcia´s store is filled with holiday items now, including gift baskets, wine bags, stockings, soap and candles.
 BananaCantina, Amapas 147 and Pulpito, celebrates charities on Wednesday nights with great food and fun. I thought I went to heaven with a dish of banana tacos, whipped cream, and strawberry and chocolate syrup, at one of these gatherings.
 We´re seeing the former Viva girls around at restaurants as Vallarta Adventures gals now - from gorgeous hooded capes to safari clothing. Way to go in new careers!
 It was lovely to see former Vallarta resident and musician Kathleen Hennen visiting in town from Washington state.
 Check out my write-up of the superb one-women play, Shirley Valentine, starring New York actress Dana Zeller-Alexis, right HERE on BanderasNews. Now there's an actress!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles |