Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Christmas shopping, charity events and parties, live music and theater performances, visiting with family and friends... The holidays are almost here - and there's plenty to see and do while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. | We all stumble sometimes with back-handed compliments, don´t we? Well, a person I crossed paths with recently said to me, "I didn´t recognize you. You look so much better now than you did last year." Thank you, Ma'm! Now that we are on a roll...
 The holiday season here is off with a bang. Lots of financial and other gifts for pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers were raised for the help New Life Mexico provides - namely $10,894.20 pesos. More than 100 persons (this one draws a lot of men,) turned out for the Breakfast Club of community sharing.
 Eighteen vendors also displayed their creative endeavors. Many attendees were raving about Banderas Soap Blends, natural soaps made by Pat Light in her kitchen. For information, go to BanderasSoapBlends.com or send an email to Pat at info(at)banderassoapblends.com. We´ll be seeing her soaps in stores soon.
 Beautiful knit shawls and bags by Carolina Archer were also catching attention. Carolina lived in Colombia for years, and it shows in her creativeness. Her telephone is (322) 145-3782. Much beautiful jewelry was on display by vendors. Thanks to Pamela Thompson, pmt15(at)hotmail.com., for bringing us together to help others.
 Janice Chatterton, Hacienda San Angel, and Gretchen DeWitt, president of an organization concerning care of animals, pulled out the stops for an overflow successful fundrasier. They had a lot of help from volunteers. The website is spcapv.com. You can reach Gretchen at spcapv(at)gmail.com. Volunteers always are needed.
 Daniel Russell founded the blog BoatMexico.com for boaters to keep in touch. You can reach him at admin(at)boatmexico.com or at danjrussell(at)gmail.com.
 This might be a good time of year to check out Ray´s consignment shop upstairs at Galeria Vallarta, Juarez #265. Lots of decorative items and books. Also, look at Veracruz painter Manuel Zardain´s works.
 The play, The Bench, has been cancelled at Curtain Call Community Theater, said to be because of illness of an actor.
 At Sol Rose´s final Siempre Sol show on December 18th, Kathy Overly will blend her beautiful voice with his to sing holiday music at 9 pm at Santa Barbara Theater (tel: 222-2048.) His show has been quite a hit, evoking lots of laughter. To learn more about the Siempre Sol show, click HERE or pick up a copy of Bay Vallarta Magazine's theater special, out right now. On opening night, Sol brought me up on stage for a couple of twirls to a beautiful song. During it, I was mumbling, "I am working and I shouldn´t be up here as part of your act."
 Later I told him his gesture was sweet... thoughtful, dear Sol. Behind the scenes, Sol thanks Trevor Smith for technical support, Bill Deavenport for lighting and sound, and Laura Gelezunas of BanderasNews for the brief video promotion of his upcoming cooking show, "Meatloaf and Melodies," on the December edition of Banderas Beat.
 Cultural historian and musician Tom Colvin is a writer, too, and his blog was named one of the top 20 favorites by the editor of Writer's Digest. Visit the blog at becoming-a-writer-seriously.com.
 Take a look at the beautiful holiday decorations and items at Xocodiva Artisan Chocolates, Rodolfo Gomez 111, (hours 10 am - 10 pm.) They know how to do it.
 An independent journalist, imbedded with the military in Iraq, will speak about her experiences at 4 pm on Tuesday, December 18th, at Qué Pasa, Aquiles Serdan #625. A donation will be appreciated. Also, the Redneck Mothers will play for a Christmas party there from 8 - 11 pm on that Tuesday. Please bring a toy for a child.
 A special issue of Dr. Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging is available at DrWeilSelfHealing.com. He discusses longevity, keeping a daily "gratitude journal" for healthfulness, stress aging us, a body-mind-spirit wellness plan to age gracefully, allowing your creativity to flourish, top foods for a long life, and many other suggestions. A really information-packed newsletter.
 While out shopping, you might want to grab a good inexpensive meal at Restaurant Dianita, Francisco I. Madero #243. The friendly owner is Ana Bertha O. Suarez.
 Café Bohemio recently had singer and actress Barbara Streisand, under a big floppy hat, and author and television financial adviser Suzie Orman, enjoying its food.
 I recently have had quite a number of last-minute writing deadlines, along with possibly too much holiday partying. My brain and computer fingers, therefore, don´t always cooperate. A note to the editor of the Tribune from me somehow ended up on a prayer hotline, for heaven's sake! I did hear back from the prayer people saying they didn't think I belonged there. Yes, we know what some of you are saying - that´s exactly the kind of help they need!
 Continue to enjoy the holiday season!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles |