Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| With the joy of this season, all the very best to you and yours.

| Wouldn´t you know, we haven´t finished our holiday celebrations yet, and the workshop people to help us improve ourselves in the new year are lining up. Fine persons, all.
 Larry Sheldon, a former IBM training executive, will be conducting a 6-week workshop, beginning January 9, based on The New York Times bestseller The Secret. Larry says, "This will be a workshop of understanding, appreciation and real-life practice in creating the life you want." He also points out, "By the end of this workshop, you will have received the necessary guidance to have actually begun to develop all the habits that make the Law of Attraction work for you." For additional information, contact Larry at larry(at)blulen.com or stop by blu by Len, 513 Olas Altas, to pick up a flyer and registration form.
 The Artist´s Way workshop runs January 10 - March 27. Facilitator Suzanne Bussard will guide participants on "A spiritual path to higher creativity for working and aspiring artists - writers, actors, painters, musicians and creative thinkers from all walks of life." Email pvartistsway(at)yahoo.com for further information or talk to Suzanne at tel: 221-6468 or 044 322 131-4200. Since 1994, Suzanne has facilitated with The Artist's Way workshop co-founder Mark Bryan, also author of The Artist's Way at Work.
 Internationally-acclaimed expert on self-publishing Dan Poynter will speak at the Puerto Vallarta third annual Writer's weekend conference and workshop February 8-10. The popular tradition of a beachside book signing by authors also will take place. For a registration form, go to the website: pvwg.com. Registration cost increases after December 31st.
 The popular community Breakfast Club will gather at 10 am on Friday, January 4th at Boca Bento, Basilio Badillo 180. This time the focus is on the Salvation Army. Please bring dry goods (beans, rice, canned foods), gently-used clothing (all ages), shoes, socks, blankets, towels and toiletries. About a dozen children from the school will perform at the Breakfast Club, an opportunity to know who we are helping overall. Five vendors will be present for new year's shopping. Rsvp at pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 Founder of Wise Women seminars Darla Fowler, along with her husband, Ernie, took 28 children and eight adults to ring bells for the Salvation Army at a mall and then treated the children to a Happy Meal... you can guess where.
 Musicians Steve and Lisa York were invited by Cory Allen, arranger/producer for Manhattan Transfer to play and sing with their band on a cruise ship. They report from the Regent Cruise ship, "We have met some first-rate players here from all over the world." They will be in the Panama Canal at Christmas. Steve and Lisa return January 6th. Then look for them again at Cuates y Cuetes on the beach.
 Blues singer Ms. Chris Kenny has hit town from Toronto. She has been playing at Beach Cafe at Ritmos Beach, and soon, undoubtedly at other musical venues. Her CD fans have been raving about it, Something So Right. She has quite a powerful voice and definitely can sing. Her Website is ChrisKenny.com, her email is christinekenny(at)rogers.com.
 Actress Patrice White is returning from Germany to join entertainer Sol Rose in his Broadway show, Stop The World, in February at Santa Barbara Theater. Patrice will reprise the character, Evie. Kathy Overly and Christopher May will join Sol as well. The production is the original one on Broadway. Sol followed Anthony Newley and Sammy Davis, Jr., in the lead role.
 On December 27th, American Consulate services will be available at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Libertad and Miramar. These include registration, passport information (renewal and new), notary services and general inquiries from 9 - 11 am.
 The presentation to the Wise Woman seminar on Banderas Bay Whales by Oscar Frey, oceanologist, and Keith May, coordinator of Vallarta Whale Watching Forum, was absolutely outstanding. About 100 persons listened to this fascinating information. For information about whales, books, photographs and tours, send an email to keith(at)puertovallartawhalewatching.org, or visit the website at PuertoVallartaWhaleWatching.org. I certainly added an informative book with photographs to my library.
 If you want to spend an informal lunch or dinner at the beach over the holidays, try the new Restaurant-Bar Canto del Mar, Lazaro Cardenas 365 (222-7307). You can get everything from hot dogs to fish and steak. And the kids can play in the sand and at oceanside.
 How about a trip south of town during the holidays to the beautiful Vallarta Botanical Gardens? Director Bob Price works very hard for our enjoyment. Email is bobinpvmex(at)yahoo.com. See you there.
 With the joy of this season, all the very best to you.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
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