Vallarta Living | January 2008  
Becas Beach Breakfast a Big Hit
Peter Gray - PVNN

| Vallartenses supporting Becas at La Palapa Breakfast | 
| Ingι Lokos & Ozzy Badal buy raffle tickets | 
| Former Chili's restaurateurs Hank & Conrad, with Jerry Wilson, lend their support | 
| Becas Member, Pat Bendix, enjoy Becas Newsletter | | The great success of the third of the monthly breakfasts sponsored by Becas Vallarta showed that these events are fast becoming one of the most popular morning get-togethers around town. A record-breaking one hundred and forty-nine people attended the latest breakfast, held at the La Palapa Restaurant on Tuesday, January 22nd.
 The setting, with many tables on the beach as well as inside the restaurant, could not have been more conducive to putting everyone in a great mood to start the day. Good coffee, fresh orange juice, sweet rolls, a generously varied fruit plate and "huevos rancheros" made for a filling and appetizing breakfast to satisfy all tastes. In true La Palapa tradition, the service was efficient and attentive. Grateful thanks are due to Alberto Perez and his staff for their generous support of Becas A.C.
 Besides immediately enjoying all that this morning provided, the knowledge that the proceeds would provide scholarships for some bright children from poor homes to stay in school and even go on to university made everything taste that little bit sweeter.
 Becas Vallarta is currently supporting some two hundred and fifty students many of whom are now at university level. The positive impact of this program on the future society of Puerto Vallarta cannot be emphasized enough. And, of course, more funds means more students can be supported in the future.
 The bigger the city grows, the more need there is for Becas Vallarta to increase its ability to expand its scholarship programs as it has continually done over its forty-six years of service to the community. Becas Vallarta is, in fact, the oldest and some might say the most significant - voluntary program within Puerto Vallarta.
 So it is a great help that the sale of raffle tickets was again brisk and generous. The prizes were many and varied, thanks to the many donors who respond so generously to the Becas' cause. It was pure coincidence that Buri Gray won the last prize which turned out to be a copy of her husband's novel. The book was promptly auctioned off to one of the other attendees!
 The next Becas breakfast will be held at the Le Bistro Restaurant, on February 26th at 9:30 am, and promises to be another diner's delight as well as an opportunity to really make a difference for the kids of Puerto Vallarta.
 For tickets, call Buri Gray at 221-5285, Polly Vicars at 223-1371, Mariel Fregoso at 221-0789, Elinor Prawer at 221-5032. Also do not forget the Becas Ball is coming up on Thursday March 6th. You can get ticket information on that event at the telephone numbers listed above. | 
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