Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| The high season is a great time to visit with plenty of things to do - from conferences, classes and workshops to theater performances, concerts, charity events and parties to attend while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. | | Excitement is building concerning the third annual Vallarta Writers Conference February 8-10 with some top writers and editors participating at the International Friendship Club. Quite a number of authors will display their books at a popular public signing on the beach on Sunday, February 10, 1-5 pm at Madison South (formerly Lazy Lizard) on the beach. For further information, go to pvwg.com. Author David Lyons is chairing the conference.
 The spectacular and beautiful show, The Return of the Phantom, closes Tuesday, January 29, at 9 pm at Santa Barbara Theater. The multi-media production in color features the Andrew Lloyd Webber Broadway score sung by Sol Rose, tenor, Kathy Overly, soprano, and Christopher May on violin. Sol, Kathy and Chris appear in some beautiful and colorful costumes and masks. When you leave this production, you surely must feel you have been to the opera, with its artistic and musical depth.
 Sol Rose, Broadway and Vallarta musical entertainer, closes his Las Vegas-style revue, Siempre Sol, on Sunday, February 3rd, at 8 pm at Santa Barbara Theater. Then get ready for the original Broadway Stop the World running February 16th through March at 8 pm at Santa Barbara Theater. Sol followed Anthony Newley and Sammy Davis, Jr., in the show on Broadway.
 Denver musical performer Alex Ryer closes her shows on Thursday and Saturday at 8 pm this week at Santa Barbara Theater. She has her usual following from fans.
 Tickets become available February 1st for The Broadway a Puerto Vallarta Benefit by New York theater performers Dana and Mark Zeller of the acclaimed Shirley Valentine production for Clinica de Rehabilitation Santa Barbara. Musical performances are March 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 11th at the Cathy von Rohr galeria-studio, with individual ticket prices at $250 pesos ($25 USD). For tickets and information, call Dana Zeller-Alexis at 223-2697.
 The next Vallarta Chamber Orchestra concert is on Sunday, March 16th, at 8 pm at the American School, with donations at the door. The program includes Mozart Flute Concerto First Movement with d`Rachel as soloist, Beethoven Coriolanis Overture, Mozart Horn Concerto (last movement) with Vickie Schilling as soloist, Autumn Ramble by John Robertson, and Bach Violin Concerto with Canadian violinist Moshe Hammer as soloist. Hard-working and dedicated director Mary Maclachan says, "We are very excited by all that is happening with our little group."
 Hear the Becas Ball to raise scholarship funds for Vallarta-area students on March 8th is going to be absolutely incredible. Look for more information coming our way.
 The popular Community Breakfast Club is Friday, February 1st, at 10 am at Boca Bento restaurant on Basilio Badillo. RSVP to pmt15(at)hotmail.com. Pamela Thompson of the Healthcare Resources Center has a list of needs for V.E.S. (local HIV/AIDS charity) that is being recognized.
 Health and Wellness Month during February is bringing chocolate and wine our way in Vallarta... and it is related to health care.
 Wise Women in Vallarta features educators Lisa Schalla and Rosa Yamada talking about "Living Beyond Cancer" at 10 am on Wednesday, February 6th at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. Make reservations with seminar founder Darla Fowler at darla(at)seminarswithdarla.com.
 The International Friendship Club will hold a Mini-Bazaar Wednesday, January 30th, if you want to clean out your closets. Please reserve a table (space is limited) by contacting Lisa Love at 223-2150 or email mliisal(at)yahoo.com. Open to the public from 10:30 am-2:30 pm. Cost is $50 pesos per table and any money you make is yours.
 Dolores Brittingham, who is known as a fabulous cook both here in Vallarta and Seattle, is conducting classes here through March. Dolores will combine Mexican and Asian flavors. All classes are $550 pesos per person. Private classes of eight with your friends can be put together. "I also will have a class for Chiles en Nogada (national dish of Mexico) the quick and easy way," this instructor says. For information, call Dolores at 222-7017.
 Husband-wife Pennsylvania academics, Fulbright scholar Dr. Andrea Mitnick and Dr. John Kovach, visited friends in Vallarta recently. Andrea wowed the Writers Group last year with her communication skills.
 Minneapolis and Vallarta performing poet Wendy (Brown) Hoffman also again wowed the Writers Group last weekend with her readings and the depth she can get out of some of us with having us write from visual ideas.
 A reminder that American Consulate services will be available on Thursday, January 31st, from 9-11 am at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. This includes registrations, passport renewal, notary services and general inquiries.
 New president of the International Friendship Club is Al Chansky: Other officers are Mandy Macleavy, vice president; Pamela Thompson, recording secretary; Vicki Mason, corresponding secretary, and Mel Bornstein, treasurer.
 Those of us who know her, are thinking of Vallarta theater director/actress Beverly Rose at this time. Feel free to contact Pamela Thompson at pmt15(at)hotmail.com for being in touch with Beverly.
 Mariachis greeted us as we celebrated the adventure-filled life of former NASA engineer, Roland (Bud) Breitwieser, with family and friends from around the world. Sybil and Bud lived here for 15 years, visiting before for many years. Bud loved sculpting as their family art and sculpture-filled home attests. A bronze of The Dancers on the Malecon graces the home. Special guests included the sculptor of The Dancers, Jim Demetro and his spouse, Eva. We know Bud was wryly smiling down on the celebration, thinking about our molecular interaction, as was his style. Indeed a life to be celebrated.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles |