Together We Can (and Do) Make a Difference
Debbi Egan - PVNN

| At Wednesday night's Banana Cantina Charity FUNdraiser, Pam Thompson of HealthCare Resources and Sally Conley informed, encouraged, laughed, ate, and raised funds for Biblioteca de la Higuera, the little library that could... and does! | | At Wednesday night's Banana Cantina Charity FUNdraiser, Pam Thompson of HealthCare Resources and Sally Conley informed, encouraged, laughed, ate, and raised funds for Biblioteca de la Higuera, the little library that could... and does!
 This little library is tucked away under a giant tree in the back of Sally Conley's home in El Pitillal. Stocked well with plenty of reading materials, craft supplies, little tables and chairs, this has become a tiny refuge for many local children.
 Sally has seen former little ones grow up into teens, enjoying the pleasures and importance of being able to read and expand their knowledge of the world around them. But, in order to keep the library up and running, funds are a continual need.
 Photos don't lie, we had a blast! ... and WOW! the raffle prizes: a Bag from Kimberly Torres, a Book from Linda Trapp, a Book from Polly Vicars, a Book from Jenny McGill - what talented women! - Gourmet/yummy Cupcakes from Shawn at CrystalCupCakes, a $250 Peso dinner certificate from the new owners of Bruce's Back Alley, a Gift Certificate from Tom at The Book Store, The Secret a book donated by Larry Sheldon, a Basket of amazing soaps form Vallarta Soapblends, a Bracelet and earrings from Nadine (a guest from Winnetca, Illinois) and of course as they give so generously every week Mama Dolores Diner, Encuentros Lounge and Pizza Bar and Cassandra Shaw Jewelry gift certificate.
 Together we raised $6120 pesos, including a generous cash donation of $1000 pesos from blu by Len Salon and Spa owner, Len, providing a much needed boost to Biblioteca de Higuera.
 Proving reservations are a must, Susie from Chicago, along with her gorgeous husband and 6 friends had to eat downstairs at ChocoBanana. Nikki needed help at ChocoBanana, so our friend Michael McGee became the ayudante, running up and down the stairs with full and empty plates.
 Friends, employees, guests... What would we do without you?
 Held every Wednesday night from 6 to 10 pm, Local Celebrity Charity Night at Banana Cantina gives everyone the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child while enjoying a fabulous night of friendship, food and fun. To make your reservations, call (322) 222-2114 or send an email to PVbananacantina(at) |