Vallarta Living | February 2008  
New Kiwanis Club Organizes in Puerto Vallarta to Make a Difference for Children and the Community
Gary Green - PVNN
 Puerto Vallarta A new Kiwanis club is organizing next month in Puerto Vallarta and is seeking men and women to become part of the global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
 The club will further the Kiwanis International mission of responding to global issues while also serving the needs of the Puerto Vallarta community by performing valuable service projects.
 "The needs of the world are great, but together, Kiwanis members in 8,600 clubs and more than 90 countries and geographic areas accomplish remarkable things for the children of the world," said Dave Curry, president of Kiwanis International. "Kiwanis clubs provide an excellent opportunity to meet other service-minded individuals and network with business professionals while making a direct impact on the community through volunteering."
 The new Puerto Vallarta Kiwanis club will focus on service projects addressing a variety of community needs. For example, other Kiwanis clubs and Kiwanians participate in activities such as revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, planting trees and erecting playgrounds.
 "We understand the changing needs of todays busy volunteers, and encourage members to give time on their own terms while contributing to notable causes and meaningful projects," said Gary Green who is co-organizing the club building efforts. "We hope that men and women of all ages, races and religions, will join the Puerto Vallarta club and make a difference for children in our community."
 A no-cost informational meeting is slated for Tuesday morning, March 4th from 9 to 10 am, at the home of Jim Boland at Lazarro Cardenas 461 on the South Side of Puerto Vallarta.
 RSVP to Jim Boland at 222-2866 or jimboland(at)aol.com or to Gary Green at (322) 150-7214 or gary(at)greenandassociates.org). Continental breakfast will be provided. | 
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