Vallarta Living | February 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN
 The word "change" is in the air in U.S. politics. Here, we read articles or have conversations about change in Vallarta. Some view it positively, for the most part; some have very negative feelings that they experience.
 Some want to move on to new times; some want to hold on to the past. What do you think? Where do you think Vallarta - our community - is going? Most of all, are you "in there" participating as a resident here with your opinions and actions?
 Author and psychologist Linda Abbott Trapp has another new book out soon called, Intentional Living, Lessons from the Tree of Life. Linda says it is about "how to change your thoughts so you can change the consequences on your life." She explores the behavior chain (the trunk of the tree model.) Linda, who has conducted thousands of seminars, will conduct one on February 26 from 10 am-12 noon at the Baptist Church building next to Parque Hidalgo. For further information, email lindaatrapp(at)yahoo.com.
 An Informe by New Life Mexico and DIF Puerto Vallarta (social services), working with children, will be February 29th from 10 am-12 noon at the Krystal Hotel. Some of the child protection's services discussed include street kids, New Life Mexico Transition House, kids at risk, working kids, sexual exploitation, pregnant teens, kids excluded from mainstream school, kids with parents in prison, and child prison. We'll hear about the effort of New Life Mexico staff and volunteers and DIF to help. For further information, email Philippa Vernon-Powell at pvp(at)newlifemexico.com.
 Volunteers for some summer programs are needed by Pamela Thompson, Vallarta Healthcare Resources. Included is creating a program of "Personal Stories," creating a binder for new diagnosed breast cancer patients, putting together a Patient Education Center, and receiving ideas of speakers for next season's Wise Women program founded by Darla Fowler. I have friends whose faces just glow from feeling needed in helping, and with all that they get back from some of these programs and interactions with others. Email Pamela at pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 The next community Breakfast Club gathering will be March 7th at Boca Bento on Basilio Badillo at 10 am. Please bring school supplies to be divided among local underprivileged schools. Please RSVP to pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 Another popular Becas Breakfast that helps with school scholarships for Vallarta-area children will be February 26th at 9:30 am at Le Bistro on the river. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Call Buri Gray at 221-5285. Also remember the Becas Ball, also raising money for scholarships, is on March 6th.
 Musicians Don and Rhonda are recording a CD of sitar music, including new songs written by Don, in Blaine Selkirk's recording studio. The CD should be available this Spring. They also are scheduled for sitar concerts in March and April, with more information to come.
 Salsa is drawing dancers to Roberto's Restaurant, 283 Basilio Badillo, at 9 pm on Saturdays. Live music. For more information, call 222-4959.
 Three guest soloists will appear with the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra, directed by Nick Salmons, on March 16 at 8 pm at the American School in the Vallarta Marina area. They are D'Rachel, flute, Vicki Schilling, horn, and Toronto-based violinist Moshe Hammer. For additional information, contact Mary MacLachlan at 222-7806.
 Catch musician/vocalist David Lyons in concert on March 11th at 8 pm at Santa Barbara Theater. For reservations, call the theater at 223-2048.
 Writer's Conference speaker Dan Poynter filled us to overflowing with publishing information. At the beach book signing, authors included writing awards winners Robert Hardin of Yelapa, and Linda Abbott Trapp, Jenny McGill of Talpa who has spent the high season in Vallarta, and Luis Cotto Vasallo, a poet from Guadalajara. Visit his website at poetarican.com.
 Noche de las Luminarias of Vallarta Botanical Gardens begins at 5 pm on February the 21st. It is free to members or a $45 USD donation for others wanting to attend. Free round-trip bus transportation is from Aguacate and V. Carranza, beginning at 4:30 pm. Call 223-6182 for more information.
 Did you see Tina Turner performing at the Grammys on television? Some kind of 69-year-old! And then there is Bette Midler at 62 performing in an energetic show in Las Vegas for the next two years.
 One of those moments - I was walking on the Malecón by the large sand sculptures. An artist was watering down one of the sand sculptures, and a rainbow appeared around the top of it. Uplifting.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to the Vallarta Tribune and other local and international publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, a weekly column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more of Twila's "Out and About" articles | 
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