Travel & Outdoors | March 2008  
CasaMagna Vallarta Receives EDGE Award

| CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & SPA Front Office Director, Gabriela Gadea, and the other winners of the 2007 Marriott International's prestigious EDGE Awards. | 
| JW Marriott Rio de Janeiro Director of Rooms Operations, Rossana Spena, accepting the 2007 EDGE Award from Bob McCarthy (left), President North American Lodging Operations and Global Brand Management, and Senior Vice President Rooms Operations, Lodging Quality Assurance & Global Technology, Steve Lampa (right). | | On March 6th in Nashville Tennessee, CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & SPA Front Office Director, Gabriela Gadea, was awarded with Marriott International's prestigious EDGE Award for the Caribbean and Latin America Region.
 In this third edition of Marriott International's EDGE Awards (Excellence in Delivering Guest Experience,) 520 full-service hotels participated from the 3000 Marriott properties around the globe.
 This award strives to inspire and recognize excellence in all aspects of delivering the guest experience vision. Full service property leaders nominated remarkable people from their room management staff, and their nominations validated how fortunate the company is to have top industry talent in their hotels.
 EDGE Award Winners provide: Measurable Improvement in Guest Experience, Outstanding Achievement in P&L Results, Cutting EDGE Innovation, Training and Development Excellence and Internal/External Leadership.
 MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, Inc. (NYSE:MAR) is a leading lodging company with about 3000 lodging properties in the United States and 67 other countries and territories. The company is headquartered in Bethesda Md., and had approximately 151,000 employees at 2007 year-end. It is ranked as the lodging industry's most admired company and one of the best companies to work for by FORTUNE, and has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the 2007 Sustained Excellence Award and Partner of the Year since 2004. In fiscal year 2007, Marriott International reported sales from continuing operations of $13 billion. For more information or reservations, please visit the website at Marriott.com. CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Recibe el Premio EDGE Otorgado por Marriott Internacional a la Excelencia en el Servicio al Huésped PVNN
 El pasado 6 de Marzo en la ciudad de Nashville Tennesse, durante la reunión Internacional de líderes de Operaciones de cuartos organizada por Marrtiott Internacional; Gabriela Gadea Directora de Recepción del Hotel CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & SPA recibió el premio EDGE por la región del Caribe y Latinoamérica evento organizado por tercera ocasión por Marriott Internacional, en el cual participan 520 hoteles de los 3,000 que opera alrededor del mundo.
 Los premios EDGE que por sus siglas en inglés significa Excellence in Delivering the Guest Experience; son un reconocimiento internacional a los logros de los líderes de operaciones de cuartos de hoteles de servicio completo, son un esfuerzo par reconocer e inspirar la excelencia la satisfacción del huésped en todas sus facetas.
 Para ser merecedor de este premio se tomaron en consideración los siguientes logro; implementación de sistemas para mejorar la experiencia del huésped, resultados sobresalientes en las utilidades, implementación de la excelencia en la experiencia del huésped, entrenamiento y desarrollo de la Excelencia y liderazgo interno/externo. | 
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