Vallarta Living | April 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| From all kinds of fun things to do to the latest news and gossip, Twila has the inside scoop on everything that's going on in Vallarta. | | Wasn't the diverse music and ceremony beautiful with the Pope's visit to Washington and New York City? The Pope apparently is an accomplished pianist, loving music, along with being a scholar.
 The Passover family seder at Coconuts Restaurant also was filled with inspiration and community. Participation of the children was delightful. By the way, Coconuts, L. Cardenas and Constitution, is open for lunch now from noon to 2 pm Monday-Saturday, as well as continuing evening hours.
 Know so many feel the loss of Bud Acord, who died recently at San Sebastian. A beautiful service was held, involving the community there, as Bud wanted. Hacienda Jalisco at San Sebastian will continue operation for now under management from Vallarta by Pamela Thompson, a longtime friend, who had been doing that anyway for a good while, with excellent staff in San Sebastian.
 We had such an enjoyable time at the wedding reception of Angela Corelis and Steve Maddox. Angela was one of the first persons here to be welcoming and friendly to me. Coming from media backgrounds, we related, exclaimed and laughed about many subjects. Enjoy your travels and life together!
 May 2 is a new in-house Becas scholarship fundraiser at 8 pm for Santa Barbara Theater's summer theater camp and dance classes. It also will help with needed improvements to stage equipment. Included in the fundraiser are performances, a silent auction, door prizes, snacks and a drink. A requested donation is $350 pesos. Registration for summer camp is underway. Call the theater at 223-2048.

| Escape the summer heat while enjoying the charm of old Mexico, comfortable rooms and home-cooked meals at Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian. | Get ready and then some for Len for next high season. As the fabulous entertainer and singer, owner of blu by Len Salon, says, he is putting together his "one-woman show" called "Len... and the Rest of the Women I Met Along the Way." It is a chronology of Len's life through his arrival in Puerto Vallarta. The show will include songs and banter. Len emphasizes, "No children allowed!" We can hardly wait.
 Theatrical producer, director and actress Eileen O'Leary is in Canada and will return to Vallarta for theater in the fall.
 A fundraiser for the local SPCA protecting animals will be Saturday, May 3rd from 6-10 pm at Casa Kimberly, former home of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The house then closes to become one of Janice Chatterton's Luxury Boutique Hotels. Call 222-2692 for information about the fundraiser.
 Wise Wo-Men seminars include April 30th - entertainment program by children of the Salvation Army; May 14th - Dr. Basil B. Abuid of the Chiropractic Health Center concerning "Your Aches and Pains," and May 28th - International seminar speaker Darla Fowler - "The Ultimate Gift, Denzil's Story."
 Vallarta Chamber Orchestra artistic director Mary MacLachlin has returned to Canada for the summer, with promises of more wonderful chamber music, and maybe a couple of surprises, too, next high season.
 Popular Café Bohemio remains open through the summer while owners Sol Rose and Christopher May relax at their Palm Springs, CA, home. Often in Sol's theater ensembles, actress Patrice White has returned to the U.S. and Germany, and will celebrate the December holidays here.
 Mark your calendars! Artist Jose Clemente Orozco, born 125 years ago, will be honored with a major exhibition in November at the Cabanas Cultural Institute, Guadalajara.
 Friends took me to brunch recently at the Buenaventura Hotel, celebrating its 25th anniversary. Does it ever look different with renovation and being upgraded to a 5-star hotel rating. It now is called Buenaventura Grand Hotel and Spa.
 The recent newsletter of the Vallarta Botanical Gardens is available with beautiful photos of the Gardens and articles about extensive International research there.
 Vallarta Lifestyles publisher John Youden's articles in the April issue of the Vallarta Real Estate Guide are interesting and enlightening. Pick up a copy, seen almost everywhere around town.
 Author and psychologist Linda Abbott Trapp, with her new book, Intentional Living, out, provided the Writers Group a hilarious look at gender communication, or maybe more appropriately, miscommunication. Cross-cultural communication also can get interesting. For information, email lindatrapp(at)yahoo.com.
 Quite a bit of talk around about perceived lack of coverage of the murder of a Colorado University student in Vallarta whose mother has a home at Sayulita. Either hear concern about tourism and business as probable reasons or to the other spectrum of wondering about corruption and bribery connected to the escape. The Guadalajara Reporter carried a straight-forward front-page article. What should be remembered is that David Parrish, 21, died, yes died, of gunshot wounds after an attempted robbery across from the Port Administration building. One of the two suspects apparently still remains escaped. David Parrish was a geography student who traveled widely. Some Colorado, and perhaps other U.S. media, undoubtedly will follow this story.
 Karaoke introduces one to friends in ways you never knew about them! A 50's party at Vonnie and Andy Vanderyst certainly accomplished that with Darla and Ernie Fowler being the life of the party, really getting down. We need to get Karen Phoenix back to performing here. She once sang with big-name groups and individuals. Karen now does a lot of good helping others in Vallarta.
 What about all of the dust, and the smoke from mountain fires around? We certainly have a ways to go before rains. Jalisco state is in a drought condition.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the Vallarta Tribune and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. | 
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