Vallarta Living | May 2008  
Too Much of a Good Thing is... Wonderful!
Polly G. Vicars - PVNN

| John Youden, Publisher of Vallarta Lifestyles, Founder of the Vallarta Lifestyles' Real Estate Conference and long time Becas Supporter | 
| Treasurer Cuca Preciada receiving our substantial check from Coordinador Regional del Desarrollo Humano, María Guadalupe Salcedo Arechiga, in 2007 | 
| Volunteers Cheo and Poncho setting up for the Altruism Festival | 
| Husband, AKA Hubert Vicars, helping set up the chairs for the event | 
| High school Becadas Veronica Saldívar Miramontes and Cynthia Karrinor Ortegar Alvarado - both with almost perfect grades | 
| Secretary Sylvia Sorenson, Vern Sorenson and Richard Bendix, minding the booth | 
| President Mariel LFregoso with indefatigable volunteer Buri Gray and volunteer Harvey Prawer enjoying the delicious goodies | | Good things for Becas Vallarta, A.C. started when John Youden, publisher of Vallarta Lifestyles and several other important magazines, told me that for this year's Vallarta Lifestyles' Real Estate Conference, they were going to charge a $200 peso entrance fee that would be divided among four charities that are near and dear to him - Arturo Y Los Hijos de Dios, A.C., Becas Vallarta, A.C., Esperanza, Grupo de Apoyo para Sobrevivientes de Cancer de Puerto Vallarta, A.C. and P.E.A.C.E.
 We were thrilled to be included and impressed with the preparation and presentation of the Conference. John had provided spaces for each charity to display material and talk with the attendees. President Mariel de Fregoso, Buri Gray and I represented Becas, giving out hundreds of our Newsletters and talking to most of the participants about our program.
 It was a fun day for us and a fruitful day for Becas. The ticket proceeds netted $48,000 pesos and John's Vallarta Lifestyles publishing Group donated another $12,000 pesos to be able to give each of the charities a whopping $15,000 pesos!
 Lots of thanks to John, the Realtors and his group for allowing us to be a part of such successful endeavor, and of course for the generous donation. Too much of A Good Thing? NO!
 Then American Consular Agent Kelly Trainor called to say the 5th Annual Altruism Festival she co-sponsors with the local Marriott CasaMagna was expanding this year to 24 charities by adding 4 additional ones to be chosen by lot and asked if we wanted to be included.
 Of course we did as we have long wanted to be a part of this important event, but had not been lucky enough to be chosen. But 2008 has seen us "On a Roll" and the lottery for the new charities was no exception - Becas Vallarta was chosen!
 This Altruism Festival is an important event in the life of Puerto Vallarta as it not only provides monetary help to each charity (all proceeds from the event are divided equally among the charities,) but provides a fantastic venue to display and inform the community about each charity's activities.
 While Becas Vallarta, has provided scholarships to young Vallartenses, 8th grade through university since 1964, many people are not aware of our program. That is changing this year as we are getting more opportunities to get our story out, such as the one at the Real Estate Conference and now this event.
 At 6 pm on Sunday, May 25, 2008 in the beautiful Beach Front Garden of the Marriott CasaMagna, more than 50 of Vallarta's finest restaurants and vendors donated a potpourri of every type of cuisine that can be found in Puerto Vallarta as well as traditional Margaritas, Cerveza, Tequila, bottled water and soft drinks.
 It was a grazer's delight as many more than 1000 people moved leisurely from booth to booth, sampling the food and drink, getting information about the incredible volunteer work that takes place in this community, watching the beautiful dancers, listening to great live music and meeting old friends and new.
 High school scholarship students, both with grade point averages of almost a perfect 10, Veronica Saldivar Miramontes who attends CONALEP and Cynthia Karrinor Ortegor Alvarado who attends CBTIS, graced Becas' booth. Dressed in their neat Becas t-shirts, they distributed our newsletters, answered questions, showed our new video and ran the necessary errands at such an event.
 However, much earlier - 9:30 am to be exact, volunteers from all 24 charities, including our volunteers Cheo Rangel, Poncho Rodríguez, Lázzaro Morales, Husband and I, were on the grounds setting up chairs and tables, hanging banners and all the myriad things that must be done behind the scenes. By opening time the area had been transformed into a veritable fair with colorful banners, exquisite flower arrangements and unbelievable presentations of the gourmet food.
 Volunteers Becas Presidents Mariel and Carlos Fregoso and Becas members Barbara Poindexter, Pat and Richard Bendix, Buri Gray, Elinor Prawer, Sylvia and Vern Sorensen, Husband and I took turns manning our booth showing off our 'fresh out of the camera' video produced by the Video Diva, Laura Gelezunas.
 Kelly Trainor and the Marriott CasaMagna get 5 thumbs up for planning and executing such a successful event for the twenty-four deserving charities that will equally share in the sizable proceeds. Too much of a Good Thing? NO!
 Monday of last week, President Mariel Fregoso and Treasurer Cuca Preciado attended the very important "Regional Workshop of Promotion and Participation of Communities" with the Governor of Jalisco, Emilio González Márquez and the Secretary of Human Development, Martín Hernández Balderas.

| Our new banner donated by Impresiones Gran Formato | The Governor announced that they are continuing the programs started in 2007 with $10 million pesos this year for projects in Puerto Vallarta based on matching funds for community organizations that have a proven track record and can submit proof of how they spend their money.
 Luckily, last year Becas was one of the first of Vallarta's organizations to meet their criteria when the program was started. We were thrilled and excited to be included and when Treasurer Cuca Preciado and I went to receive the money from Regional Coordinator María Guadalupe Salcedo Arechiga and Regional Promoter Juan Antonio Cota Castro in November 2007, we could hardly believe our luck! They awarded us a very substantial check that enabled us keep our program running successfully in 2007 and to expand it in 2008.
 So of course we were more than thrilled that the Governor is expanding the program this year and that we are in line for an even greater amount. President Mariel de Fregoso was lucky enough to have a 'one on one' with the Gov to present to him our current Newsletter, which he promised to read cover to cover. He told her how impressed he is with the work being done by the huge volunteer force in Puerto Vallarta which bodes well for things to come from our Governor. More about this when the check 'is in the mail' and is in our hands!
 So... Thank You and Muchisimas Gracias to John Youden, to Kelly Trainor, to the Marriott CasaMagna, to Governor Emilio González Márquez and to all our members and volunteers! Too Much of a Good Thing? I think Not!
 Lest you conclude that Becas Vallarta does not need continuing support from all of the individuals and businesses who have been there for us, consider the countless number of deserving students we have not yet been able to support in their educational needs. TOO MUCH? NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!
Polly G. Vicars and her husband of 55 years, Hubert (a.k.a. "Husband") retired to Puerto Vallarta in 1988 and soon became active members of several charitable organizations. Polly is the author of "Tales of Retirement in Paradise: Life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico" [a sell-out!] and "More Tales of Retirement in Puerto Vallarta and Around the World." Proceeds from the sale of her books go to the America-Mexico Foundation, a scholarship foundation that is their passion.
 Click HERE for more articles by Polly Vicars. | 
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