Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in Vallarta
Mel Bornstein - PVNN

| Celebrate Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in Puerto Vallarta this year. For more information call (322) 221-5659 or send an email to melbornstein(at) | | Rosh HaShanah (literally, "Head of the Year") refers to the celebration of the Jewish New Year. The holiday is observed on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, which usually falls in September or October, and marks the beginning of a ten-day period of prayer, self-examination and repentance, which culminate on the fast day of Yom Kippur. These ten days are referred to as Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe or the High Holy Days.
 While there are elements of joy and celebration, Rosh HaShanah is a deeply religious occasion. The customs and symbols of Rosh HaShanah reflect the holiday's dual emphasis, happiness and humility.
 Special customs observed on Rosh HaShanah include; the sounding of the shofar, using round challah, eating apples and honey (and other sweet foods) for a sweet new year.
 Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most sacred of the Jewish holidays, the "Sabbath of Sabbaths."
 Yom Kippur is a day of "NOT" doing. The is no blowing of the Shofar and Jews may not eat or drink, as fasting is the rule. It is believed that to fast on Yom Kippur is to emulate the angels in heaven, who do not eat, drink, or wash.
 Celebrate Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
 The Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community invites you to come celebrate with us in these first High Holiday services, conducted by two Chabad Rabbis:
 Rosh Hashanah - September 29, 2008 Yom Kippur - October 8, 2008
 For more information or to make your reservations, please call Mel Bornstein at (322) 221-5659 in Mexico, (847) 209-1448 from the US or send an email to melbornstein(at) |