Travel & Outdoors | June 2008  
Private Tourist Investment Totals $2.803 billion USD during First Four Months of Year
Presidencia de la República go to original

| Tourism Secretariat Rodolfo Elizondo inaugurated the 22nd Annual Convention of the Mexican Association of Tourist Developers (AMDETUR) on “Tourism, the Engine of Development for Mexico.” | | From January to April, tourist investments in Mexico have totaled $2.803 million USD, accounting for 84% of the total annual goal in this area.
 The SECTUR director noted that during the past 16 months of President Felipe Calderón’s administration, Mexico has accumulated $6.267 billion USD, as a result of which it has achieved 31% of its six-year goal of $20 billion USD.
 On behalf of President Felipe Calderón, Elizondo inaugurated the 22nd Annual Convention of the Mexican Association of Tourist Developers (AMDETUR) on “Tourism, the Engine of Development for Mexico.”
 Earlier today, Tourism Secretariat Rodolfo Elizondo inaugurated the 22nd Annual Convention of the Mexican Association of Tourist Developers (AMDETUR) on “Tourism, the Engine of Development for Mexico,” at which he told businessmen in the area that Mexico has shown favorable results regarding private tourist investment by accumulating $2.803 billion USD during the first four months of the year.
 Accompanied by José Carlos Azcárraga, President of AMDETUR, the SECTUR director stated that as a result of the confidence of investors in the tourism sector, 31% of the six-year goal of $20 billion USD has been achieved, since over the past 16 months of President Calderón´s government, $6.267 billion USD of investment in tourism have been generated.
 “55% of this investment comes from national capitals, while the remaining 45% corresponds to foreign investors, mainly from the United States and Spain.”
 “The presence of those of you who are tourist investors and developers confirms your enormous confidence in Mexico and your willingness to continue combining forces and coordinating the actions that will enable us to increase tourist flows and investments and thereby contribute to Mexico’s economic development,” declared Elizondo Torres.
 He went on to say that in order to continue promoting tourism in Mexico, the National Tourist Promotion Fund (FONATUR) will participate in major projects such as La Pesca in Tamaulipas as well as two tourist real estate developments in Puerto Escondido and Baja California Sur.
 The Tourist Secretary admitted that tourism in Mexico will be further reinforced by President Calderón’s support of this industry, one example of which has been the creation of the National Infrastructure Fund.
 “This fund provides the possibility of financing tourist projects for the state, which in turn will facilitate the construction of the tourist attractions we have planned, as well as the improvement of urban services in already consolidated destinations.”
 In particular, he reported, the Tourism Secretariat has formally submitted a package of seven investment requests for providing basic services such as drainage, safe drinking water and the installation of wastewater treatment plants and other urban works for seven beach tourism destinations, including Cancún, Ixtapa-Zihautanejo, Loreto, Los Cabos, Puerto Peñasco, Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Maya.
 Lastly, Secretary Elizondo urged businessmen and investors to continue trusting in Mexico and to create a sustainable, orderly development for the benefit of the industry and Mexico’s economic and social development.
 “The point is not to do business to the advantage of a few and to the disadvantage of many but to ensure that investments in Mexico are attractive and profitable for investments while distributing wealth, which will create well-paid sources of employment and provide local benefits.”
 “I would urge you to continue investing in Mexico and for our growth to be orderly and planned and have a long-term vision rather than one based on doing business in a day,” he stated.
 The inauguration of this event was attended by Ernesto Coppel Nelly, President of the National Tourist Business Council (CNET); Luis Antonio Mahbub Sarquis, President of the Confederation of National Chambers of Trade, Services and Tourism (Concanaco-Servytur), legislators, state tourist businessmen and businessmen in the area.
 Source: Head Office of Media and Communication, Press and Information Office, Tourist Secretariat (SECTUR). | 
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