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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkVallarta Living | June 2008 

Baseball or Beisbol
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Although the most common cheer in Mexican sports might be "GOOOOLLLL", I have seen much cheering for baseball as the "Dog Days" of June have arrived. These are the days that mark the start of summer and the grueling hot weathered games that separate the men from the boys.

Forty five years ago, at the age of 10, on Father's Day in June, I was a little league pitcher in New York City. My Dad was going through a divorce with my mother and wanted to raise me as a single parent. I am thankful everyday that the courts allowed him custody of me, (unheard of in the early sixties).

I was spending weekends with him at the time and he became a coach of my team. I remember the clean fresh purple uniform; the Washington Senators, and got the starting nod to pitch that day. My dream as a kid was to become a professional baseball player, and I was pumped up to pitch a great game that day.

I did have that great day and pitched a one hit shutout and also helped out with my hitting. After the game, I retrieved the game ball and autographed it for my Dad. "To Dad, Happy Father's Day, June 1962", Robert Cohen (I didn't become Bob until college). It was not too long after that the two of us moved to Miami Beach to get a new start together. He never coached for me again, he was working too hard to support us, but always encouraged me to stay active in baseball, and came to watch me play often. The older I got, realizing that although I was still a good ballplayer, I would never achieve the greatness of my dreams.

Years later, looking at old photos, I came across the autographed ball, wrapped up to prevent the elements from destroying it. It was tucked away in a shoebox, as were all of my Dad's files in those days. It looked strange, with a little boy's writing, but I felt so proud that he had preserved something so dear to him.

Now, 45 years later, although I haven't asked, I am sure that the ball is still in his possession. He is a robust 87 year old man now, enjoying a well deserved retirement with my step-mother and other family members. I am 55 now and enjoying semi-retirement in Vallarta, a town I have fallen in love with.

I hope all of the readers have had such wonderful experiences with their fathers, although for some reason I believe that mine is the best. "Dad, Happy Father's Day!!!" Look for the ball, hold hit, make believe we are playing catch, with you teaching me how to pitch, and realizing how much I love you.

Nostalgia and family are part of the game of baseball. We remember watching the pros play and who hit the big home run to win the World Series, or just a Tuesday night pitcher's duel. Enjoy the splendidly manicured green grass and colorful shirts in the stadium.

We can play here in Vallarta or watch younger kids play at the Sports Stadium, across the street from the Sheraton. The game hasn't changed for the kids or the parents. Listen to the fathers yell "bueno" or "mucho" or "attaboy/attagirl, way to go" as their kids make a great play or gets on base. Join in and coach, watch or get your own son involved. And to the kids, remember to say, "Thanks Dad".

Just remember, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame".

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