Vallarta Living | June 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| As Vallarta grows and takes on more elements of a big city, it's important to stay safe, prepared and informed while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. (PuertoVallarta.gob.mx) | | When times are changing, as in Vallarta as we take on more elements of a city, good persons come forward to try to be effective. We are sure neighborhood groups are pulling together to try to keep their immediate communities safe. We previously mentioned neighborhood watch groups as effective in U.S. suburban and urban areas.
 Concerned citizens have been sending out alerts and offering advice in their areas of expertise. Such as in areas of public security, taxing or lack of taxing methods, forming groups of non-partisan citizens to work with the local government concerning priorities.
 You can express your concerns, thoughts and suggestions to an email site established by a group of residents here. They say, "We will deliver your comments to the office of the Mayor and the Office of Tourism, as well as the Governors' offices in both Jalisco and Nayarit." This group, who does not show an individual's contact name on the email, says, "You may request that your name and email address be excluded," and that will be done, they say, before your comments are delivered. You may want to request the memo they sent out before you respond. Email: keepvallartasafe(at)live.com
 Vallarta Healthcare Resources' Pamela Thompson experienced two kids trying to steal her purse. A half-gallon of milk became a defense weapon for her, and all they got was a black eye for one of the assailants. So Pamela has organized a class, "Boundaries," concerning self-protection, conducted by Helene Carmen. Helene studied martial arts and self-defense for many years.
 "Boundaries" are different in different situations and different countries - for instance, less personal space here in Mexico. Develop awareness, which Helene will explain. What doesn't feel right? She'll explore eye contact, body posture, more than one person. Using your voice and body posture. Body parts used as weapons and going to certain body parts for defense. She'll demonstrate simple holds. Also how to handle certain non-violent ways to not be touched inappropriately on the dance floor, on the bus, walking down the street. The first class on July 10 is full. If you would like to participate in another class, let Pamela know at pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 Concerning roadblocks set up to search vehicles in the Banderas Bay area, initial reports indicate searches have uncovered weapons and drugs.
 Thank you to Seρor Fox, owner of Cafe Roma, Calle Encino 287, who helps provide funds for the School of Champions of the Children of the Dump organization along with other opportunities for children. If you would like to volunteer, take a tour or make a donation to help with the Children of the Dump's programs, please email: arthurefumerton(at)yahoo.com.
 If you would like a copy of a newsletter concerning homeless children in the Vallarta area, email Phillipa at pvp(at)newlifemexico.com.
 A CD party at El Arrayan Restaurant, 344 Allende, featured the Frixoleros. Daniel Sanchez and Camila Aguirre play traditional instruments in the Son style of music from Vera Cruz. They've played for four years at El Arrayan. For further information, call 222-7195.
 Liana Turner, owner and chef of Paradise Bakery and Catering, has moved to Sierra Aconcagua 299 Esq. Prol. Brasil, in Vallarta, tel: (322) 222-5133, email: llanasea(at)msn.com.
 For the calendar. Art Walk next season will be October 29 to the end of May on Wednesdays from 6-10 pm.
 I stop in at Bubba Gump on the Malecon every now and then to get takeout, and sometimes you can enjoy some good ol' Nashville country music while waiting.
 A group of us went together to laugh a lot at the film, Sex and the City. Scented soap entrepreneur Pat Light wore her stilettos!
 A friend in California who also lives here thoughtfully offered for me to visit there to get away from current happenings in Vallarta. As a journalist, I've always been in the middle of "things" wherever and always have tried to keep media readers and listeners informed. It is just a little bit here in a column... but I am not going to California.
 Our thoughts are with those grieving the loss of NBC's Tim Russert. He was a powerful and an influential U.S. political journalist, Washington bureau chief, and moderator of Meet the Press... just one of the nicest guys and so warm and friendly.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the Vallarta Tribune and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. | 
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