Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| There are plenty of things to celebrate while you are Out and About in Puerto Vallarta this week... not only Canada Day and the 4th of July, but also the love, friendship support and concern that are all part of living in such a warm and caring community. | | Broadway and Puerto Vallarta musical performer Sol Rose and violinist Christopher May, owners of popular Cafe Bohemio, 127 Rodolfo Gomez, were married legally in Palm Springs, CA, on June 19, by as Sol says, "a real justice of the peace." Then the couple repeated vows at a ceremony officiated at by the mayor of Palm Springs.
 During the summer, Sol and Chris will celebrate their marriage further in San Francisco, CA, and in New York City. They also plan to have a celebration here when they return. Sol and Chris have been together for 21 years. They met at a gym in San Francisco. Congratulations and bravo! Email: cafebohemio(at)yahoo.com.
 We all are with you, dear Len and Larry, as you make sudden and new plans, as written about by Len of blu salon in his column last week. What darlings, what strength!
 American Legion Post 14 and the U.S. Consulate invite all in Vallarta to attend one of the Fourth of July celebrations here. American Legion members will be at the following locations: Steve´s Sports Bar, Basilio Badillo 286, featuring hot dogs, hamburgers, chili with the proceeds going to American Legion Post 14.
 PV Beach Club and Barracuda feature beach volleyball and an American-style barbeque at 1290 Paraguay, behind the Buenaventura Hotel. Tel: PV Beach Club (322) 168-1281 and the Barracuda (322) 222-4034.
 Beach ball scramble is at Field of Dreams Golf Course near Guayabitos. Tournament starts at 11 am (Nayarit time). Fee is $150 pesos. Afterwards Philo's in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle will have an American-style barbeque at Delfin 15, tel: (329) 295-5068.
 Additionally, Back Alley Steakhouse, F.I. Madero 225, will celebrate Canada Day on July 1st and the American Fourth on July 4th with 40% off of all menu items. Tel: 223-3560. Que Pasa will celebrate with its annual Fourth of July picnic. Tel: 223-4006 or QuePasaPv.com.
 Canada Day's official celebration will be July 1st at Coco Tropical Restaurant and Beach Club, Basilio Badillo 101, on the beach on the south side, starting at 7 pm. Proceeds of the raffles and games will go to the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza (R.I.S.E.) children's shelter.
 Miguel Escontria, singer and musician here, has a CD of songs in Spanish and English. In English, Sweet Caroline, My Way, The House of the Rising Sun, Impossible Dream and Unchained Melody. Miguel is accompanied by piano, guitar and harp. Email: miguelescontria(at)hotmail.com. Available at Ambiance by Marcia, Constitucion 347, tel: (322) 222-8554.
 Various music is at Ritmos Beach Cafe on the south side, both on the beach and upstairs in the restaurant, usually on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Go to www.ritmoscafe.com.
 A reminder that there are several Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Over Eaters Anonymous and Co-Dependents meetings in town. The current schedule should be posted on the door at the Cine Bahia Theatre, Insurgentes 181, room 206, or call 222-3906, 222-2505, 222-5711 or 209-0746. Meetings also are held in Yelapa, Sayulita, Nuevo Vallarta and Bucerias. Signs should be posted in those locations.
 We were happy to see thoughtful performance poet Wendy Brown-Baez visiting here who conducts Writing Circles for Healing in Minneapolis, MN, and wherever invited. She previously lived here. For information, email poetaluna(at)yahoo.com.
 We are fortunate, for the time being, to have less expensive fuel here than in the U.S. and Europe, and to have food prices frozen on basic foods here until at least the end of the year.
 Did you know that only half of the cross-border drug trafficking business involves the actual drugs? The other half, often overlooked by the public, The Dallas Morning News reports, concerns an estimated $12 billion smuggled back to Mexico's cartels annually. "This is what keeps the business going," according to the newspaper, "and one of the most effective ways to sabotage the cartels' operations is to deny them access to their illicit profits."
 The report continues, "That's why federal and local law enforcement agencies are devoting greater resources to stopping vehicles suspected of smuggling loot southward." The seizures are reported to be used for cash-strapped local governments. Something else our local citizen committees need to ask about and scrutinize.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the Vallarta Tribune and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |