Vallarta Living | June 2008  
Puerto Vallarta Summer Survival Tips
Mikki Prost - PVNN
 I hope this finds you sitting near a breezy fan with a cold drink in your hand. We're getting to that really hot and sweaty time here in Puerto Vallarta, so here are some summertime hints to help you get through the sticky times...
 Be sure to keep some Electrolit on hand with some mineral water. I like to fill a huge glass with ice, fill it half with the Electrolit and half with mineral water. Be sure to drink the whole bottle within 24 hours.
 If you are on any medications for heart or blood pressure be sure to check with your doctor as both of these liquids have quite a bit of potassium and you might have to limit your daily intake.
 Why do I recommend Electrolit over Pedialyte? Because you'll get 125ml more, the taste is the same and it costs less. It's available at Sam's for the best price.
 This will save your butt believe me. When we sweat we release a lot of potassium and other minerals. Water doesn't replenish it and neither does anything like Gatorade, which has artificial sweeteners in it which are drying to the body, and not enough of the re-hydrating qualities that you need.
 In fact, all artificially sweetened drinks will dry you out, so try switching to more water and be sure to keep several bottles of Electrolit on hand. When you start to feel the effects of heat exhaustion get to drinking a bottle right away.
 This is especially true if you are spending your first summer here. By all means never leave home without a bathing suit too. You never know when you'll get the opportunity to jump in. I like to get certain pieces of my clothing wet and wear it that way through out my day. It's very refreshing and you can't tell it's wet. Try it.
 I know you're probably giggling right now and saying to yourself, "yeah, right." I put this little hint out last year and I was thrilled to have some people write back saying they thought I was outta my tree, but they tried it and by golly it worked! Believe me, during the summer in Vallarta you can get heat exhaustion just by walking in the sun for five minutes. It's happened to me. So stick to the shady side of the street when your walking.
 I have one more helpful hint for you. As we all know, we have no choice when living in Mexico but to put up with ants. And of course the pesky little devils are the source of our constant frustration - mostly in the kitchen. I don't know about you, but when I'm cooking or doing anything in the kitchen the last thing I want to use is bug spray. YUCK! Clear the room!!! Well, not anymore. Just whip out your Windex and spray away! They die instantly and you can keep on goin'. Now mind you, there's no protection once you've disposed of the cuerpos, but it's so quick, easy and non-offensive.
 On another note, Ben from The Lighthouse Deli has closed his location on Lazaro Cardenas. He will be taking orders by phone. He and I are talking about possibly having Encore be a pick up sight for some of his smaller orders. So if you'd like to order something from Ben you can reach him on his cell at 044-322-126-3535. His products will also be found at Rizo's. Boy aren't we lucky to have him. If you haven't had the pleasure of sampling Ben's products then by all means GET ON THE BALL!
 The new summer hours for Encore are Tuesday to Friday 10 am to 7 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 4 pm. I am in the store all day on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On Wednesdays and Fridays I'm there from 2 to 7 pm. I will be taking off again for the states at the end of July and returning at the end of September. At the end of October I will be having another "All You Can Wear Sale," so stay tuned for the dates. In the meantime, I hope you all have a fun-filled summer.
 Located at 584 Lazaro Cardenas on the South Side of Puerto Vallarta, Mikki's boutique consignment store, Encore, offers "gently used" designer and casual clothing, shoes at accessories at deep, deep, discounts. | 
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