Silly Billy's World - Dream, Read and Grow

| Lewis conducts workshops in person and through web conferencing and video conferencing. | |

| An excellent teacher and entertainer, Bill Dallas Lewis, is a worldwide educator from his computer. | Puerto Vallarta's Bill Dallas Lewis, who is a worldwide educator from his computer, and who wrote the Silly Billy children's books, declares, "Anyone can do anything." The Internet is "a good teaching tool," he says, and "you can learn anything you want." He points out, "The computer empowered me."
 An excellent teacher and entertainer, Lewis is a graduate of Dartmouth (Dr. Seuss' school), with a master's degree from Ohio University. He has a corporate sales background with Dunn & Bradstreet (Abraham Lincoln worked there.) Lewis was number two in sales in the U.S. and managed a $7 million fund in Ohio.
 He helped uncover fraud in a $300 million fund that was reported in The Wall Street Journal and on television's 20/20. A class action suit ensued. As a result, Lewis and two others were fired. They then sued and received a settlement. He wrote a book about the scandal.
 Lewis then turned to writing Silly Billy's books. His first children's book entitled, The Last Book, encompassed a black character. He used color graphics, establishing computer art. He also established his own publishing company.
 Sensitive to a multi cultural environment in the 21st century, Lewis says, "We prepare youth for participation as productive and lifetime citizens in an increasing global economy." He's on You Tube, of course.
 Lewis' website, Silly Billy's World, Sometimes Not So Silly, cites that since 1993, he has taught computer graphics and wrote these children's books: The Last Book, The Planet Yes, The Box, Hollywood the Wonderdog ("He's always in trouble.") and Morph Boy (Young Adult Thriller.) He has presented his stories for kids to more than 600 schools internationally. Silly Billy's World partners with, Linking Kids Around the World.
 Lewis conducts workshops in person and through web conferencing and video conferencing. He works with fifth and sixth graders to create videos. "We love computer graphics, writing positive thoughts and making the world a better place," Lewis says "That is what Silly Billy's World is all about."
 The educator explains, "After living in San Francisco for six years, it hit me that I can live anywhere in the world. I did my worldwide search, and I decided to move to Puerto Vallarta. I live two blocks from the beach. I've traveled the world... but this has to be the most beautiful, friendly and warm place that I have ever lived."
 On his website, he has beautiful videos of "Life in Puerto Vallarta" at the beach, eating, fishing, shops, signs and walks. After moving to Vallarta two years ago, he computes and video and web conferences from Vallarta with schools and corporations such as Citi-Group, and designs websites for hotels in Puerto Vallarta.
 This enthusiastic educator has a lot of fun and reminds readers, "Dream, Read and Grow!" Lewis can be reached at bill(at)
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the Vallarta Tribune and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |