|  |  | Vallarta Living | August 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| A champagne combination book signing and CD launch party for PV musician and writer David Lyons will take place this fall, with proceeds going to a local charity. | | Musician and writer David Lyons is back creatively in a big way. A champagne combination book signing and CD launch party will take place here in late fall with proceeds going to a local charity. David's new CD - Live at the Santa Barbara - his farewell concert last spring to a sell-out crowd - will be available, along with his previous CD.
 David also will have his three novels available, including Riding Guts 'n Glory, about a cancer survivor who becomes a professional bull rider. He has written a title song for the book and is planning to provide a mini-CD with the book.
 His newest book, Jazz Age Rondo, will be available this fall on Amazon.com in both book and ebook format. David's first book, Mexico's Hidden Gold, was well-received and is on Amazon.com.
 David, formerly an international attorney, has his website at RDLyons.com.
 Another prolific writer here is Linda Abbott Trapp, a Ph.D psychologist who has conducted more than 3,000 seminars. She has written three books here and is beginning work on another book called Bipolar Remodel. Linda is remodeling a home in California and one in Mexico - thus the title. For information about Linda and her books, go to her website: AbbottPub.com.
 This journalist is working on a major writing project that provides interaction with a cross-section of outstanding and wonderful persons living in this community. Reaffirms why I enjoy living here.
 Performance poet and writer Wendy Brown-Baez will conduct a writer`s retreat, Inspiration by the Sea, a 6-day writing workshop with two days of conversational Spanish available, along with beach and community excursions. Arrival is January 16th, with departure on January 25th. Accommodations will be at Hotel Rinconsito, south of Puerto Vallarta. For information, visit her website at WendyBrownBaez.com.
 Wendy passes along the titles of two books she recently read. Kabul Beauty School, Wendy says, is a true story about an American woman who started a beauty school in Afghanistan to help women independently earn an income. She also recommends Mary Gordon's novel, Pearl, "about a young woman in Ireland who wants to make a statement for peace by starving herself."
 We political junkies are in heaven with the U.S. Presidential conventions of the Democrats and the Republicans. I once was fortunate enough to attend and to be interacting on the floor of the conventions. It is fun to be around politicians, business leaders and various types of celebrities at a celebratory time (despite what might be going on behind the scenes.)
 Fall activities are beginning to be noted. The Vallarta Orchid Society will meet October 25th about "Fragrant Orchids." On November 29th, the subject is "Orchid Sex," about the pollination process. For further information from the president, T.J. Hartung, email pvorchids(at)gmail.com.
 A Bariatric Support Group has been formed through Vallarta Healthcare Resources.
 Monthly Vallarta Breakfast Club meetings begin November 7th.
 The fund raiser for Sally Conley's Biblioteca Higuera will be November 24th. Craft basket donations are needed. For information about the support group, Breakfast Club, or the fund raiser, email pmt15(at)hotmail.com.
 Please continue to be aware and alert here because crime continues, including break-ins. Drug cartel activities also are continuing here with shootings of individuals and also groups of persons, probably tied to drug activity. Some persons returning for high season probably are going to be in for a shock concerning some unfavorable economic factors here along with some of the heavy-duty criminal activity. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy our lives here - just stay aware.
 A friend, departing for England for a period of time, and I loved our Pacific Rim dinner on a rainy evening at Daiquiri Dick's on the beach. Absolutely fabulous were the Steamed Pork and Shrimp Dumplings as an appetizer. The tasty Curried Lamb Burger was served with grilled veggies, arugula and mint yogurt sauce. We loved our Jack Daniels Chocolate Souffle Tort with pecans and chocolate sauce. Hnoi Latthitharn, who I often see at the sister The Deli, V. Carranza 311, and Carlos, our waiter, treated us most graciously. The restaurant will be closed during September, but some of these menu items undoubtedly will return.
 September is a very quiet month here. Quite a number of restaurants and stores will be closed. Time to enjoy the quiet, read a book, and in our neighborhood, watch what must be newly-born butterflies of many colors flying all around.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the Vallarta Tribune and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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